In about 2 weeks I'll be meeting with the company that manufactures the RV slides, one of the items on the agenda will be what we've been discussing in this thread.
Here's what I think I'm shooting for:
1. A price meaningfully lower than any of the slides currently on the market.
2. Easy to install and remove - I want to be able to quickly remove the entire system from the back of the Jeep - I don't want it to be so involved to install and remove that it become basically a permanent installation which limits the usefulness of the Jeep for other activities.
3. Modularity - the system should start with a basic slide, and be easily upgradeable by adding components - perhaps a drawer, a tray mounted above the cargo in the slide, etc.
4. Configurability - the components in point 3 above should also comply with point 2 - so for example, if I need a tray mounted above the cargo in the slide for one journey, I should be able to "snap" it in place for the journey, and remove it easily afterward. I put "snap" in quotes because it may not actually snap in, perhaps wing nuts or some other fastening would be required, but you get the idea.
5. Sizes- haven't decided exactly on the sizing, still hoping for input from you guys on that.
Do you think that list covers it? What have I missed?
You sir are Awesome!