Rock Sliders and a Shakedown Run
I took the rig out to Inyo National Forest over the weekend, but didn't feel comfortable going without at least having the sliders welded on. I enlisted the help of a couple of my brothers, and we got to work removing the old nerf bars, prepping the frame surfaces, and getting it all put together.
Clamped on for dry fit. Looked good, so it got tacked in place.
Having three older brothers who aren't afraid of getting dirty has played a huge part in this build.
Get in there, Joe!
Welded in place. If you look closely, you'll see that I put some grip tape on the sliders between each of the brackets.
Slathering some POR-15 on the bare metal. Turns out that $45 is the price of one quart of peace of mind.
After a weekend wandering around Inyo National Forest.
Some notes on the grip tape:
I cut the tape to appropriate lengths and then cut the corners off at a 45* angle, 1/4" in from the corners. The first and obvious reason is that 90* corners on any kind of adhered tape is just begging to be peeled off, either by accident or on purpose. The second is that it looks freaking cool. I sprayed the painted surfaces of the sliders with denatured alcohol to prep the surface for adhesion. I then waited a few minutes to make sure it was bone dry, and then slapped the pieces of grip tape down. I tried to make it look pretty, but I was also aware that this is a utilitarian build, and to not be too concerned with looks.
And since I know you guys will ask for it, here are some pictures from the shakedown run.
It was really, really easy to set up camp.
Cold ladder rungs and bare feet do not mix. The girlfriend and I devised this setup using a length of 550 cord and a caribiner. I tied a single overhand knot in one end of the cord and slid it into the channel that the tent annex slides into. Worked like a charm - it kept our flip flops within easy reach from inside the tent, and from blowing away in a stiff breeze or getting stolen by woodland critters.
Top o' the morning!
The **************' Kitchen was pretty well set up. Gonna make a couple of changes, but they're minor.
My SO is a ************, no doubt about it, and wanted to do some driving. Who am I to deny her?
Bodie Ghost Town near Bridgeport, CA. That dirt track off in the distance is a 28-mile road that leads to Chemung Mine and spits you out onto SR 182. We didn't have enough daylight to do it, but next time, we'll definitely take it.