Tom Sheppard's VDEG is the bible, and I also pore over his articles on packing (and the rest!), but on this point... I just can't see the trade-off being worthwhile. There's nothing basic about packing and managing jerry cans full of diesel. I'm taking this as evidence of a foible, and that he really is just human after all...
I agree with you Michael. There are two sound principles in play, having weight low and centered, but those are far from the only factors that need to be considered when transporting jerry cans of fuel. I am pretty sure this solution would meet stark criticism around here if it had been displayed by a less credentialed traveler.
You know as well or better than most that all the pre-planning and sound theory used in trip preparation will only get you just past the departure point. After several weeks on the road, packing, routines and equipment used just sort of organically occurs. We may anticipate we are going to treat a given situation a certain way but when faced with the situation day in and day out, refinements are made that fit the circumstances. Adaptation and adjustment, trial and error...have I missed any others?