
Expedition Leader
It was time to swap out for new tires and I decided to try Cooper S/T MAXX (305/70R18 instead of my former go-to size of 285/75R18). I wanted a little more void, bigger lugs for less chunking (in theory anyway), better compliancy (hopefully not at the expense of carcass toughness because Toyo's rein in that department) and a little more air volume between wheel and ground. I tried to order the Coopers last fall but they too were on 2-month national back-order status with no ETA. But they finally filled the pipeline.

Although we only have one off-road'scapade under our belt in the near 2,000 miles we've put on the Coop's I'm very impressed: Quieter, smoother & overall better handling on & off road.

Maybe I'll start a dedicated thread for the Coops. Until then I'll return you to your regularly televised program now :D

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I went today to purchase a set of AT2's today but they are on national backorder. Had the 285/75R17 on my previous truck and I want to put 305/70R17's on my current truck. I guess I'll be waiting awhile.

I guess the word is officially out :coffeedrink:


Likes to Drive and Ride
It was time to swap out for new tires and I decided to try Cooper S/T MAXX (305/70R18 instead of my former go-to size of 285/75R18).

Nice size and tread choice Dan. A couple times now I've second guessed myself for not 'going big' (preferring to avoid width) and choosing a tire available in the 305/70R18 size, instead getting a narrower (good) and shorter (not as good) size. Maybe the width is worth the slightly taller tire and more tread choices?

Looking forward to your wear report on the S/T MAXX (there are threads), if anyone can workout a tire, it's you. I have a set of MAXXs on my 4Runner, but they've been living an easy life.

On topic- I recently removed my set of 285/75R18 A/T IIs from my '14 Ram to mount another tire, and boy those things were wearing fast. I'd love to try a set of Cooper A/T3s in the same 285/75R18 size and see if they can do better under such gross weight. ;)


How heavy are you running redline?

And what kind of wear are you talking about? And at what mileage? And what PSI(s)?

Im rolling at 10,000lbs normally, have about 20k miles on my set, and they seem to be wearing like iron.


Renaissance Redneck
How heavy are you running redline?

And what kind of wear are you talking about? And at what mileage? And what PSI(s)?

Im rolling at 10,000lbs normally, have about 20k miles on my set, and they seem to be wearing like iron.

You got lucky then. My AT IIs were below my standard for safety at 22,000. I've put on the ST Maxx as well (on my '14 Dodge 3500 which goes from 8500 to 12,300 on a regular basis) and I like them better in every way. The Coopers will be finding their way onto my 100 series next.


That's wacky.

I've never heard of such terrible wear with the A/t II

Was the wear more pronounced on either end, steer or drive?


Likes to Drive and Ride
How heavy are you running redline?

And what kind of wear are you talking about? And at what mileage? And what PSI(s)?

Im rolling at 10,000lbs normally, have about 20k miles on my set, and they seem to be wearing like iron.

Gross weight has been 11,300 - 10,500.

Speeds mostly from 65-80 mph, and I'm genrally pretty smooth and soft on the skinny pedal.

60 psi front, 80 psi rear, less off-pavement.

8,397 miles, all four down to 13/32" = 2,099 miles per 1/32". This is very rapid wear in my book, though newer, heavy trucks with lots of torque (and load) are wearing all tires more quickly than in decades past (generally).

The rears did wear faster that the fronts, but I rotated to keep them even.

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