Many of my TrailTop teardrop concepts have only had curves on the top of the camper shell, like this verison of the classic Benroy:
Using the standard 12" radius curves on the bottom, the other day I posted this shape:
Here's another subtle difference in the shape you could do with the standard parts:
The curves on the bottom are 36" radius; the two parts for each side are cut from one standard 36" radius TrailTop curved part.
I've made this camper shell as long as is possible while still using a 4x8 sheet as a side panel, so it's about 8'7" long (the TrailTop framework adds about 3.5" at each end). And it's 4' 3" tall, again using the extra height afforded by the TrailTop framing while keeping the side panel a maximum of 4' high.
The side panels are 0.045"-thick aluminum diamond plate ( laminated to 5mm luan plywood with contact cement.
The door is one I found in an eBay listing; the window is a 14x21 Radius-corner slider unit I found at Li'l Bear (
I added art deco "wings" on the side just for fun.