bBack in February I picked up a hatch at an RV surplus place, it's been in many of the photos I've posted since then. The hatch is in this photo from yesterday:
Another thing I got at the surplus place was this RV sink top. It's very light weight and also a good size to be built into a pullout, here it is propped up in place like it's a pullout from the hatch opening:
If it was to be built into a pullout, you might build a box under it, maybe put some drawers or cabinet doors in it. And drawer slides, maybe something like this:
Back in February I picked up a hatch at an RV surplus place, it's been in many of the photos I've posted since then. The hatch is in this photo from yesterday:
Another thing I got at the surplus place was this RV sink top. It's very light weight and also a good size to be built into a pullout, here it is propped up in place like it's a pullout from the hatch opening:
If it was to be built into a pullout, you might build a box under it, maybe put some drawers or cabinet doors in it. And drawer slides, maybe something like this:
Back in February I picked up a hatch at an RV surplus place, it's been in many of the photos I've posted since then. The hatch is in this photo from yesterday:
Another thing I got at the surplus place was this RV sink top. It's very light weight and also a good size to be built into a pullout, here it is propped up in place like it's a pullout from the hatch opening:
If it was to be built into a pullout, you might build a box under it, maybe put some drawers or cabinet doors in it. And drawer slides, maybe something like this:
Or the sink top could be built into a traditional teardrop galley inside the rear hatch, photos/concept drawings of that to come...