Fantastic work, and thanks for all the effort in writing all this up. I don't suppose I could talk you into selling me that green jeep door from the post truck, I'd love to incorporate that into my trailer and can't get those over here.
The epoxy has cured, and I'm going to do a final trim on the bottom of the fiberglass shell. I haven't done a final trim on the bottom of the fiberglass parts until now, and the reason is now that everything's epoxied together, I can mark a line a consistent distance away from the sill plate to ensure the bottom of the cover is perfectly parallel with the tub.
I'll use my D/A sander to rough sand up to the line, and I'll finish the job with my manual long board sander.
All trimmed, here it is on the tub:
Next up: plywood for the top, and hinges. Not necessarily in that order, it's easier to do the hinges without the plywood on top. Same goes for the struts and latches, I'll probably do all of them before I install the plywood.
And speaking of plywood, here's the trailer earning it's keep, just back from a plywood run to Lowes...
Fantastic work, and thanks for all the effort in writing all this up. I don't suppose I could talk you into selling me that green jeep door from the post truck, I'd love to incorporate that into my trailer and can't get those over here.