Days 29 - 42: Bend
Our westward journey was over and we did not get the glorious gravel and dust filled entrance I thought waited us on China Hat Rd.
For two weeks we would live like 'normal' people and do 'regular' things. We shopped at Trader Joes. We walked through downtown Bend.
We slept inside (in the same room) and rode horses.
I rode miles of incredible trails.
We went to the crowded July 4th parade in Redmond where the kids rode on floats, my brother horseback.
We worked on the car in a garage in the shade.
We climbed peaks. We fished and swam in cold cold rivers. We even swam in canals (don't tell anyone) because it was so hot. We read books. We celebrated birthdays.
My wife and I celebrated our ninth anniversary. We shopped at outlets.
We built furniture and watched Arrested Development. We drank (lots) of great beer. We cooked in ovens.
We grew bored. We began to look forward to the road, to the peace of solitude, to the simplicity of gravel under the wheels.
And then we started our return journey. We tried our best to get my brother and his wife to pack up his T-100 and come along for a few days. But he had to work.