Day 10: Cathedral to Ouray, CO
We continued down and back into civilization.
This was a little community called Cathedral. As Stephanie was taking this photo I distinctly remember having that gut-wrenching/dropping feeling of something not right with the car. Every morning I went through a pre-trip checklist of all vital fluids and connections. I did that on this day but I stopped right here just past those rocks on the left to make sure we didn't have a flat or one axle-shaft locked in 4wd.
I was hearing the dreaded whump-whumping coming from the front right wheel. I went through possible causes: air pressure at 30psi (to ease the rough roads/provide traction when needed) - right where it should be and had not been making noise before, axle not locked in 4wd - nothing there, tie-rod end dust covers were beginning to crack but not bad enough to effect anything, diff fluid good, trunion grease good, only obvious thing left was the wheel-bearings.
It was hard to tell the difference as driving on gravel is loud as it is but I knew that something was wrong and I thought or thought I imagined that the slight whump-whumping got worse as weight shifted to that side of the car in turns. Nothing to do but keep going now and we had some stout days ahead of us.
I prayed the front end would hold together until Telluride/Norwood where we would stay with family and have access to a garage.
Down Slumgullion Gulch into Lake City. Only expensive gas here but we thought we'd have enough to make Ouray
Up towards Cinnamon Pass...
things were about to get good.