Truck guns?


New member
I have my truck outfitted as follows. What and how I carry depends on the specific excursion.

My CCW is a Glock 19

I modified a Blackhawk Serpa holster to mount inside the center console of my 91 Land Criser FJ80. That is always carrying a Glock21 that I had coated with Duracote AND Parkerized. That firearm is indestructible.

I have installed a Big Sky rack in the very rear ceiling. This accomedates 2 long guns. Generally m Mossberg 500 or Benelli Super Nova. Again, the other spot will have whatever rifle needed for task specific. My Ar15 in 6.8 SPC, remmy 700 30.06 or even a 22 Mag for small game.

It's a great setup and quite Non detectable from outside the vehicle, yet simple to access.

Link for Big Sky:

I will grab photos in a few days when I return home.


Gentleman Adventurer
I keep a Taurus Judge in my console. Nothing like all that double ought buck shot flying out. Of course, I have a backup to the Judge should things get worse.


I installed a lock box under the rear seats of the truck, and inside I've got a BCM 16" mid-length with ambi lower controls and a shiny new Noveske NSR rail (sweet rail system, light and comfy and modular :D), along with a Blue Force Gear 10-speed bandoleer and 6 20-round magazines. In bear country I keep a Remington 870 with an 18" rifled slug barrel and 3" hard-cast Brenekes, generally a box of 00 buck as well. I CCW a Glock 19, and when I'm in the woods I open carry.
There's usually a Ruger 10/22 kicking around back there too, just for fun/small game.

Yeah, I go heavy, but out where I am it can be pretty remote and the police have a lot of ground to cover sometimes before they can help you.

Dave Bennett

I like this, Kel-Tec .40 carbine that folds down and uses standard Glock .40 mags



Ruger p345 ccw If im conna be campin in bear country, Ill bring my ruger security6 in .357 and a mossy 500 in the truck

Dave Bennett

Glock 19 or SIG 556, although the SIG 556 is very heavy compared to a traditional AR15 style rifle.

Yes, heavy as well as just big IMO. The Sig gets mixed reviews from me. I want to like it but... meh, I guess years of training have left me biased toward the AR when it comes to 5.56 rifles. There are plenty of neat rifles like the Sig, the Steyr AUG and Galil but having tried all of them I still prefer an M4 style rifle when I want 5.56

Captain K-man

I like this, Kel-Tec .40 carbine that folds down and uses standard Glock .40 mags


I got to hold one of these at my gunsmith's shop and what a cool gun it is. It feels very solid. I think it would make a very good truck gun. This gun along with about 1000 other guns are on my want to get list.


Casual Observer
Yes, heavy as well as just big IMO. The Sig gets mixed reviews from me. I want to like it but... meh, I guess years of training have left me biased toward the AR when it comes to 5.56 rifles. There are plenty of neat rifles like the Sig, the Steyr AUG and Galil but having tried all of them I still prefer an M4 style rifle when I want 5.56

I know exactly what you mean. I do love the Sig though. It shoots smooth and easy. Almost no recoil but I am positive that is due mostly to it's excessive weight and not attributable to any engineering secrets. The piston-gas function is nice when it comes to cleaning as well...but like you said, years of training have me tearing the stupid thing apart and cleaning it every time I fire it anyway.

Just fired my new M4A2 (full auto) today at the range. Has me thinking about trading in the Sig for something lighter.

BTW - I must say your website is very impressive and very well done. :beer:


Admittedly being in southern Arizona the majority of my excursions my fears are generally aimed at 2 legged predators rather than 4. As such my preference leans to the Sig 556, my custom Enfield 1. Mk 4 or my 1895ABL. None of them are traditional truck guns as I drive to work in my rig and I don't care to leave them in the car and risk its theft, however anytime I'm not going to work they're in the Jeep.

In Arizona I feel most 4 legged critters, at least in the southern part of the state, can safely be handled with my CCW a Sig P228 in 9mm.

If I move north later this year I'll adjust my loadout accordinly.


Casual Observer preference leans to the Sig 556...

Nice choice...have one my myself in OD green.

In Arizona I feel most 4 legged critters, at least in the southern part of the state, can safely be handled with my CCW a Sig P228 in 9mm.

Did you see that article a few years back documenting the discovery of a jaguar near Tucson (I think near Mount Lemmon)? Motivation for me to carry a nice brush gun like .45-70.


Yeah I'm rather excited about the Sig 556 XI supposedly coming later this year - interchangeable/ambidextrous controls and an easily replacable barrel (CAN YOU SAY QUICK SWAP SBR?)

That said I do recall the article you mention - here is a link to several bits of information from Arizona Game & Fish regarding the Jaguars in Arizona.

So they are so rare that its not really a risk that I worry about - I'm much more worried about the flow of drug dealers and violence north - and meth makers and pot farmers in the national forests - especially when I'm deep in the sticks. I have pictures of different things I've seen on the border stretching back a few years, everything from a truck load handoff, signs from the border patrol telling people to avoid certain areas, garbage, bloody knives etc. A few years ago a buddy and I were down south and had some "guys in a truck" pop off shots in our direction trying to scare us off. I figured they were drug runners but we were told by the authorities it "probably wasn't" :rollseyes.

Anyway - I love my 45-70 but bought it because I love it but if I had to give a 'reason' mainly for camping in Idaho & Montana with friends & family. Running modern ammo its far too overpowered for most anything south of Grizzly, Moose & Caribou. Even Elk it seems a mite heavy. Mountain Lion (which I apparently smell like kitty snacks to them) can be handled with a loud noise and rocks most of the time but when their hungry even a 38spcl will take care of them. A Jaguar is big but they are fairly thin skinned and don't worry me, and as I've already mentioned, not really an issue. Besides even in South America they tend not to be serious threats to humans. I'm working on a project to extend the normal range of the 30-30 with better ammo & sights, as well as making it more compact. If I can get to consistent 350-400 yard shots with it I will probably retire all of the others unless the terrain changes. But time will tell.

I wonder if thats why many of us have AR's & AK's for truck guns is because of other people, not so much the natural predators out there. Just a thought.

Besides whats camp without a little shooting if its safe and in an acceptable area? :)


Officious Intermeddler
Do any of you have any experience with this easy to stash folding shotgun or the brand behind it?
They also have a ‘revolver’ long gun in .410 and with the new ‘disc’ loads for that caliber and the rabid push to restrict semi autos, this could be a good truck gun too).


BTW….palmetto state armory is having a great sale on their KELTEC folding .9mm carbines until Christmas


New member
Unfortunately I live under the Liberal regime in the repressive and no longer strong and free country that is Canada, so I am limited in what I can have in my truck.

Can't bring pistols. My AR was restricted and is now prohibited so could never bring that... even if I had a non restricted semi-auto rifle, those are now all prohibited...

You can't have a loaded firearm in a vehicle in Canada either... So I liked my Browning BLR lever 30-06 as a truck gun for that reason, box magazine so it's easy to pop in and load quickly. I recently bought a Marlin Trapper in 45-70 though that's been coming out with me more. I love the short size of the rifle and the stopping power of the big bore is formidable. Down side is slow loading if needed with the tube mag...

Open sights on both rifles so fast on close targets. I may take the red dot off my AR and try it the new Marlin... That thing has just been sitting in a safe for 5 years at this point...


Well-known member
Do any of you have any experience with this easy to stash folding shotgun or the brand behind it?
View attachment 863511
They also have a ‘revolver’ long gun in .410 and with the new ‘disc’ loads for that caliber and the rabid push to restrict semi autos, this could be a good truck gun too).

View attachment 863512

BTW….palmetto state armory is having a great sale on their KELTEC folding .9mm carbines until Christmas
View attachment 863513
I am not but do like it. Their website is not very informative. I have thought about a Kel-tec for a while though. They are well known and I have shot a couple of them. But they don't have any shotgun rounds for their foldup that I am aware of.

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