I think we'll have to make sure Myra tags along next year ( a week earlier and she'd have been there

So I figured I'd push out an open request for ideas to be posted or emailed and provide a quick update on what we're "thinking" for the future.
Primarily, for the ExPO trip, we're hoping that nothing changes. But what we're seeing is that this activity of eco-tourism can be attractive to enough folks outside of ExPO to support some functional business model. Kristian has expressed interest in dedicating much of his time to guiding tours, etc for travelers interested in seeing this region as we have all experienced it and personally I think he'd be awesome at it.
In talking with him I felt it necessary to make a promise that although we're looking at making the "U.P. Overland" somewhat official for our region, we aren't wanting to change the ExPO trip structure aside from making adjustments the group collectively recommends. For example we scouted a perfect little kayaking spot on the AuTrain River that would make for a great camping site and allow for a couple hours of kayaking. Other great recommendations have been made as well. Personally I wish we could get the photogs up here for the fall colors :Wow1:. Pretty spectacular.
The reality is we haven't covered all of the "U.P." either. West is in need of scouting, and the Lake Michigan shoreline ( where available and not private ) is pretty awesome too. ( Garden Peninsula, etc ).
One thing I've noticed in reading threads here and on Mud is that several people wanted in on the trip as backups and we had several people not show up at the last minute. There has to be a way to at least make sure if someone isn't going to show that we clear the way for an alternate soon enough to make plans. We haven't opened up for next years list yet ( still have to announce where we're going so you can plan! ) but have very interested parties as far away as South Carolina willing to drive up. :victory:
So please, your opinions and thoughts are always needed to keep us on track..send me a PM or an email ( tdolaskie @ upoverland dot org ) if you wish and perhaps you can help us fine tune this thing even more. It would be nice if after a couple years we have trails that we all know and folks can come up and enjoy them at anytime having been down them before

A few details:
The website will be
Facebook Page
I set up a
Blogger blog but am rolling the content over to
Wordpress to tie in easier with the website. Everyone uses the web differently, so one of these social options should work ( provided it's an interest off this forum

Any thoughts on the website are appreciated as well. I'm thinking of U.P. Overland profiles, with media galleries, etc. We will have a forum focused on this region as well..from much, much more than just a wheeling perspective. ( Historical, etc ) The incredible pictures make me hope to put together a post trip photo poll, with some U.P. Overland prizes be awarded to the highest vote :wings: .
Thanks for reading ( if you made it this far ). I just wanted to give everyone an update.