UJOR Build Thread


Expedition Leader
Hey Chris, look what I found! I was doing a random search for Vector Drawings of ambulances and this picture came up, so I followed it to the website where it was posted.


http://www.moibibiki.com/Ford E-350.html


Not often that we have 2 of the big boys here at the same time!



I am not aware of the 19.5" wheel size, meaning the half numbers behind the diameter.
Is this similar to the 16.5" on humvees? These ones have a higher do called " humb" and need special tires therefore. The ' edges' at the wheels are higher.

Is this similar? They seem to be common on trucks with higher loads, like 450/550.


Supporting Sponsor
Hey Chris, look what I found! I was doing a random search for Vector Drawings of ambulances and this picture came up, so I followed it to the website where it was posted.


http://www.moibibiki.com/Ford E-350.html

Interesting! That pic is from the 4WOR shoot back in 06.


I am not aware of the 19.5" wheel size, meaning the half numbers behind the diameter.
Is this similar to the 16.5" on humvees? These ones have a higher do called " humb" and need special tires therefore. The ' edges' at the wheels are higher.

Is this similar? They seem to be common on trucks with higher loads, like 450/550.

Yes, 19.5 are common here on HD trucks like the Ford F450 & 550. More heavy duty tire options.


Supporting Sponsor
V4 is back on the road! 2" more lift, new Sterling rear with a Grizzly locker, refresh and cleanup getting it ready for the show. It's huge! Love the new 38's. We still have to make a new tire carrier and I'm going to incorporate a bin for small items and maybe firewood.


We're still on schedule for the 7.3 van, the "dip" didn't turn out the correct color so they're re doing it over the weekend. We'll have the suspension done by the end of the week and then we'll mount the bumpers/etc when it gets back from being dipped. Here's the Quigley suspension during teardown.


And its new Stage 2 D60!


Made big progress on the Sherpa today, I'll post pics at the end of the week. ----
We yanked the axles from V4 today, cleaned everything up, installed new springs, swapped out the rear axle, added a grizzly locker and the new wheels & tires. Finish up in the AM, its a monster!


Where did you get those awesome mirrors from?!
Are the take-off parts for sale =D


Supporting Sponsor
Long days. 7 days a week, crunch time! We have the DeQuig van coming back tonight so we can start adding the fun stuff like bumpers & lights. We'll get it finished up by Wednesday. The Sherpa is moving along, all systems work but I'm not too happy with the top lifting air system. They're just not doing the job! I'll have to find a different way but don't have time between now & the show. I'll do a video tour once its all set up so it makes more sense.

Mounted and ready for finish work


Top up


A few rigs have started to arrive for the show!




So the clou on V4´s Top is to lift it and have a sleeping area? Did I get this right? It doesn´t really come out of the picture.

If so that´s a really nice idea. Not for me- as I like to just jump into bed from the driving seat- but a lot of people have a folding sleeping department.
This is a cabine approach that could also work for a lot of the smaller ones like Landrover 130, Toyos Landcruisers...

If you look what Bad Kissingen 2014 has brought (Europes biggest Offroad exhibition) this would/could fit nicely. Note that Cabines here are from min. 10k to mostly 15-20k in euros! http://www.derjackistweg.de/bad-kissingen-2014/



You're no doubt busy with final Expo prep but when you get a chance can you post specs of the silver EB and the orange SMB you just finished? The orange was a former Quiqley, right?



Supporting Sponsor
Wow, it was was a long week that went into a long weekend! Here are some pics.

The Sherpa all packed up and ready to go.


On Tuesday I thought... "this thing needs to be wrapped"


Wed night it was all done and ready for the upholstery shop Thurs AM.


By lat Thursday afternoon we were set up!


Friday AM


More UJOR rigs, 6 total.


We had a great time, lots of people coming thru the booth and it was nice to meet new people and put faces to the names of some! I'll shoot a video of the Sherpa this week and explain some things.

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