Actually, if you really want to push the limits I'll bet you could print one with a Makerbot
On a serious note, I don't want my "clarification" above to be taken as snarky or otherwise demeaning to anybody who questions the prices of custom fabricated goods. It is really easy in this world we live in to expect all items to be cheaper, better, and faster as time marches on. For commodity goods where mass manufacturing and production scale can be leveraged, often times the price of something that was "really expensive" 10 years ago is infact very cheap now (think LCD screens). For custom goods where small quantities dictate manual manufacturing processes, labor and material costs drive baseline retail prices which, when compared to some Chinese mass manufactured knockoff, seem insane. It isn't that a $2,000 bumper is making some shop owner a boatload of just isn't the case. I would expect maybe a $200 profit on a $2000 bumper once overhead for the equipment, the cost of skilled labor, and the price of materials is taken into account. Would you do all that work for $200 in profit? I'll bet not. I've been asked many times to build custom vehicle hardware and I don't even provide rough pricing anymore....the jaw hits the floor, they feel I'm somehow taking advantage of their inquiry, and nothing good comes of it. If you own a bunch of fab equipment and have the skills to use them, than that $500 bumper might be within reach as long as you aren't accounting for time or the investment cost of your equipment.