Caleb, curious why you'd be stoked to have a 35.5ga vs the 38ga?
PS--I wasn't aware you can program the ScanGaugeII for fuel tank size, cool!
Unfortunately I'm not sure the tank is 35.5ga capacity, or should I say that you can actually use the last X gallons in it based on the placement of the pickup and the angle of the remaining fuel level---and this is especially true when headed uphill due to the pickup being more at the front of the tank(very ******tty OEM design, the pickup should be at the back as it's easier to coast an empty fuel rig DOWN hill than try to drive it UP hill), as like you and Nate, I too ran mine out of accessible fuel when trying to go up hill (fuel light was on yes, but per calculations of a 35.5ga tank I should have had at least a few gallons remaining).
On my future list is an aux tank for longer range. I can only seem to go 300ish miles on mine, and that's driving nicely.
I wasn't really thinking when I typed that, thought that mpg might go up when I change the scan gauge from 38-35.5 gal tank, but shouldn't make a difference.