Lots to update! We left SEMA and headed right for the Sierras. Spent the 1st night in the Alabama Hills to break the camper in. We drove in late, set up camp and woke up to this!
The next day we headed up 395 to Mammoth lakes and spent 2 nights in a campground. We were by ourselves, really nice. The campground was closing for the season in just a few days. Mammoth is one of my favorite places!
We then headed down to LA to see family, stopping along the way to see some sights. Here is V4 playing a bit @ Olancha Dunes.
2 days in LA and it was time to get back to Vegas so I could drop Jennifer off at the airport. She doesn't do x-country trips with me anymore

V4 got a bit grumpy on the way to Vegas. I limped it into town so we could enjoy the evening and started diagnosing in the AM. To make a long story short, it was the fuel pump. I drove it to Williams AZ, put word out on facebook that I was having problems, and the UJOR army sprung into action! It was really amazing. Within 30 minutes I had several phone calls come in and 2 guys from Flagstaff brought me the pump and a few tools that I needed to swap it. The power of the internet, quite amazing
From there it was pedal to the metal to get home. Got it yesterday afternoon with a dirty V4 and plenty of work to do. Over 7K miles on a rig tht I pulled from a junkyard less than a year ago and test drove 5 miles before we started the trip. Pretty proud of my crew.