hello Simon, I use in my truck the diesel cooker of webasto, as the dualtop for heating the room and hot water, I can not say they are perfect, first point is they work 12v, but in my opinion is needed 12 v,this is not a drama, I use the converter from Victron, 20amps and it is enought, water pump and freezer works in 24v as the ACC, to be conected stright, second point the diesel stove works fine but do not expect to use for coffe in the morning, after two days you sell is a bit slow, it takes 10 min to be operative , this is not a problem to prepare the dinner or lunch....but takes times, It is a very good machine, by my point of view, but it is overpriced, here in Europe is 1200€....for the dualtop for me is a nice machine if you dont have enought room in the the house in the unimogs its not huge, you have whit 3250 wheelbase boxes betwen 3 and 4 meters long, the space is limited, On the engine I have a termo90, to heat the engine and also privide hot water in the cabine, The only problem in three years wa whit the loom on the dualtop machine, replaced in waranty first year