Time for another truck build update. I decided to go with a full Lithium battery swap to replace all the Optima AGMs I had been using. This is what I had in the truck - 7 x Optima 31As. The weight 28kg each, and with the various battery boxes, clamps and supports, the whole lot came in at around 230kg. The 31A were rated at 75AH, so all six had a total of 450AH, but since you can't let them discharge to less than 60% without damaging them, it meant we had around 270A/hr of usable capacity.
I have replacement them all with this lot.
The whole lot weights only 56kg. 4 x 120AHs which weigh 12kgs each. The are rated at 120A/hrs each, so a total of 480A/hr, but since you can discharge them down to 20% with damage, that gives a usable 400A/hr. In addition, I have 60AH Lithium starting battery that weigh only 8kg yet puts out 1450CCA., which is 50% more than the 900CCA of the Optima 31A it replaced. The starter motor now spins the truck so much faster, and whilst it normally starts first turn anyway, it just seems to start so much easier.
I have also rewired the whole heavy current system, quite a radical change in that now, the Lithium starter only starts the truck, and the other four batteries run all the electrical bits (instruments, head lights, fans, wipes, radios etc). The starter is charged by the OEM 90A alternator, and the other ones are charged by the 120A alternator ( + solar).
This is more or less the wiring diagram.
The starter now lives under my seat - and has it's own isolator switch and voltage monitor.
The new batteries were just 5mm longer than the Optima batteries, which was fine for the centre battery box, but the front battery box was designed as a tight fit for the Optima, so they would not move around, but that meant the new batteries just did not fit through the hatch. I had to fit the new batteries in the rear battery box instead. Still the front battery box is right over the transmission, so gets a bit hotter than the centre one and is a lot hotter than the rear one. The rear box is also heated by the heating system, so should be warm enough. The centre box is right in front of the heater matrix, so should remain above freezing as well, as lithium batteries should not be charged when below freezing. I added a temperature sensor to the centre batteries, so I can monitor how hot or cold they get.
I also have fitted more remote battery switches, which I can switch on and off from the dash. I can isolate all the batteries with the touch of a switch. I can also run them in parallel - both alternator and both batteries, or I can run both alternators onto one battery bank ( either one or both). This give me quite few redundancy options, and I can potentially even run the truck off the solar panels if necessary
The solar controllers had to be re-programmed for lithium batteries, which the Morningstar Duos can be, I had to reduce the maximum voltage and the float voltage to meet the requirments of the new batteries. I also have to replace the CTEK 25A battery charger, as it had a "rejuventation mode" on startup which damages the Lithium batteries as well. I got a Victron "Smart Charger"
Victron IP22. It has a proper lithium mode and can be controlled by Bluetooth.
I have also built the Mk3 version of our centre console. This time I have split the main box into two compartments, as the Mk2 version was way to big and deep. Things would just disapear for week in the black hole. I also added another box, which can hold quite a lot, but is shallow, so should be easier to find things. It is also strong enough to stand on. Trish made the covers for the lids from motocycle seat material, so should be quite hard wearing. I added a USB charger to the console as well, so we can charge the phones. There are five other USB chargers in the truck so we should never run out of USB ports now.
I also added a shelf on top of the subwoofer, with a pair of cupholders as well. I made it quite substantial, so Trish can hold onto to it when the going gets rough. The RAM mount for the Ipad works well in that position. I run the HEMA maps when were are traveling, less chance of getting the wrong directions from my Navigator

You can just see the new battery switches on the dash behind the steering wheel as well.
Next little gadget was a foot ( or ankle) switch for the main beam headlights. We have quite substantial headlights and spotlights on the truck. Two of the 9" LED light rated at 1 Lux at 1000m, and the lower ones are rated at 1 Lux at 1600m. They light up the road like daylight for at least 700m in front of us. However, on our last trip I found that I would be blinding the oncoming drivers for a second or two until I could take my hand off the wheel to pull the stalk back. This would happen a lot on corners, when I have both hands on the wheel around the bend, and would have to grab the stalk to stop blinding them. I came up with the idea of using a footswitch, something I had on my first car.
I found a push button switch at Jaycar and fitted it low down on the subwoofer. I can push the switch with my foot or ankle, and switch of the main beam. I've tested it with shoes,, sandals, boot and bare feet, and it works great. It doesn't get in the way and so far I have not found a way to hit it accidentally.
I have also done a few more thing I have been meaning to do, like changing the main interior light to dual mode LED which is a lot brighter in the high mode, and has a more softer light in low mode. I added another pair of 6x9 speakers that were in the shed into the roof lining of the truck, as I found the lower ones behind the seat where just not that audible on the move, and I had a spare channel on the amp as well.
I still have a few more things to sort out, now that the external battery box is gone, I can fit a jerry can holder in that space for a 20lt and a 10lt Jerry can - so I can carry another 30lt of fuel if we need to. I will also be adding a couple of lights into the various compartments to make it easier to find stuff at night, and replacing the sideways mounted light on the cab with the LED lights we got free when I got the big spotlights.
I have also got another new toy to play with