Utah: The Maze District - A Family Affair


Active member
Stop...your making me blush!

Great end to a great trip!

Thanks for the kind works KC & Roger!

Thanks again for a great time you two!

I got some pictures coming to ya KC soon!

Where next?....(KC country!)



Expedition Leader
Time to panic or time to pull out the map and see where else we might pass the time? C'mon, you know me by now. California, here we come! But that's a tale and trip for another time....

Nothing like a forced impromptu "adventure"...

Thanks for sharing your trip KC, Nick and Moody.


ExPo Original
Nice KC!
You still headed to Saline/Death Valley in Nov?

Hope so! We went through DV a few days after the Maze, just real quick on our way to Yosemite NP, since we had to wait out the snowstorm at home. Hope you two and the SMB have a great trip there yourself!

Stan the Man said:
Wow, that looks like a great time. Maybe I missed it, but how long were you guys on the trails?

Thursday through Sunday, so 4 days altogether. Could have used another 4 days to enjoy it even more.

Willman said:
Where next?....(KC country!)

I hear there are some neat places to see and fun stuff to do in Wyoming...

Thanks for the great feedback everyone. I hope all of you can make it to Utah sometime. It's everything you've heard and more.



Thanks for the great feedback everyone. I hope all of you can make it to Utah sometime. It's everything you've heard and more.


I think we posted earlier, but because of your adventure, we are headed there this weekend. Thanks for the beautiful pics and great write-ups from all.


Great trip report...

Must have missed this as I was out the same way. Ran into KC at the gas station in Moapa while he was on his way to California.


ExPo Original
Stock to the eye, but I have some goodies... The Maze can be done with good tires and above average ground clearance. Extra fuel and a traction aid (locker) wouldn't hurt.




New member
I'm looking to do this too, and I'm curious if it's doable in a completely stock (suspension and sprung weight wise) 80.... I haven't added anything yet, but I want to, and needing anything to run Doll House would be a wonderful reason to... I'm just planning to run out to Doll House and back with up to 5 adults and 2 Stock 80's...
Would extra gas be necessary (or prudent)?
How far in advance do you need to make reservations?


Active member
I'm looking to do this too, and I'm curious if it's doable in a completely stock (suspension and sprung weight wise) 80.... I haven't added anything yet, but I want to, and needing anything to run Doll House would be a wonderful reason to... I'm just planning to run out to Doll House and back with up to 5 adults and 2 Stock 80's...
Would extra gas be necessary (or prudent)?
How far in advance do you need to make reservations?

I think you should be fine.....There was a few stock tacoma's back on the trail. You might need extra spotting in some areas but for the most part you should be fine.

As far as reservations.....give them a call.....plan ahead early to lock in the good sites....

Sounds like fun!



Needs to get out more
Would extra gas be necessary (or prudent)?

I brought 10 gallons of extra fuel, and I didn't really need it. I could have made it out to Hite on the full tank, although I would have been fairly empty(1/8th tank) and I believe with larger tires and all the jive I bring along, I burn more fuel than a stocker.

Enjoy yourself out there. Don't rush it.

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