Thanks. That's all I could find in a rush. Here's a more recent pic after a re-finish.Schattenjager said:Oh that is too sweet!!! :jumping:
On to your regularly scheduled Security thread!
Thanks. That's all I could find in a rush. Here's a more recent pic after a re-finish.Schattenjager said:Oh that is too sweet!!! :jumping:
CoastalDefender said:Serious security statement-
I am looking for a really really loud alarm, the type that emits a noise similar to those "personal security alarms". The type that have a high-pitch ear-splitting frequency that really pisses off everyone in earshot.
I'd like one of those attached to a "touch the car" type security alarm.
Anyone know of such a beast, or would that be something I need to jimmy up myself?
Azrocks said:I always thought something like this for a vehicle would be interesting....
Grim Reaper said:... Figure out a remote colum lock. That would be a good deterant to a theif if the colum no longer has the ingnition lock but the colum is still locked. ...
Unfortunately Thieves are use to dealing with the club and the quick way to bypass that is hack saw the steering wheel in one spot. Same would work with chaining the wheel unfortunately. It is also not as passive so you are not as likely to tire of locking it all the time.Lynn said:You know, military vehicles (at least the older ones) have a chunk of logging chain welded to the floor, then you take a wrap around the steering wheel and put a padlock on it. Cheap and effective, even as a 'visual' deterrent.
Grim Reaper said:Unfortunately Thieves are use to dealing with the club and the quick way to bypass that is hack saw the steering wheel in one spot. Same would work with chaining the wheel unfortunately. It is also not as passive so you are not as likely to tire of locking it all the time.
The best anti theft device is one they can't find to override and takes minimal effort to use. Making a major change from the norm is a good start. If a Thief is practiced at Toyota's and he gets in there and finds no column ignition switch but one on a plate steel dash and the steering wheel is still locked.....He's probably going to grab whats laying around and take off. A thief walks by sees a chain on the wheel he already has a good idea on how to over come that before getting in the truck if they are a pro.
Like most vehicles, windshield and driver/passenger side windows had regular tint, privacy glass just in the rearj_nigrelli said:if there was privacy glass, how could anyone see the leash?
Grim Reaper said:I also plan to put a keyed switch on the fuel pump wire. Some where I can easily reach before getting out that would not be noticeable to a thief. Possibly under the passenger seat under the floor mat and armored underneath.
On carb trucks you can put a valve in the fuel line and the sweet thing is it will start and run and pull out then die about 20ft away right out in the middle of the road where it is drawing attention. I like that because somebody trying to restart a dead vehicle in the middle of the road possibly blocking traffic draws a LOT of attention. Most thieves that have just tore up a column are not going to hang around long trying to restart it. I may put a delay timer on the fuel pump wire to achieve the the same effect on my FI engine.