Verlen Kruger designed "Loon" Canoe


Anyone on the forum a Verlen Kruger Fan? Not sure who Verlan Kruger is/was... Check out this link.

Or simply.... The Greatest Canoeist that ever lived!

Over the weekend, I was lucky enough to purchase a Verlen Kruger designed / Sawyer Canoe Company built LOON (Kevlar) in Sanibel Florida. The Loon was the first Canoe that Verlen designed and him and Steve Landick set the record (Guinness Book of World Records) paddling this craft for 28,043 miles!!! Later Verlen went on to design the Monarch for Mad River Canoes and finally the ultimate Sea Wind before his passing in 2004 at 80 years of age.

Here's some pics of the one I purchased in Kevlar. Paddled with a Bent Shaft Single Blade Canoe Paddle or Kayak Paddle. Foot controlled Rudder to eliminate the "J" Stroke with canoe paddle.
Loon PV.jpg
Loon Seat.jpg
Loon Peddles.jpg
Loon Rudder.jpg

Look out Boundary Waters Canoe Area..... Here I come, as soon as I can get on top of the old Dodge!

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Expedition Leader
Verlen was quite a guy. I was talking about him to a friend last night, wondering how he made it over the Continental Divide when he paddled up the Colorado from the Sea of Cortez. I've always wondered how he made it around some of the rapids in the inner gorge of the Grand Canyon.
He left his wife and paddled with that younger woman for a while. Odd move.
How did you find the Loon? What does it weigh?


The Ultimate Canoe Challenge

Thanks for the reply Kerry...

Yes, I've just ordered The Ultimate Canoe Challenge by Verlen Kruger thru Amazon, but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I do however know much of achievements & history. Just an ordinary guy that set off to do many BIG things in his heart & mind. I do believe that his wife "Jenny" has the honor of being his first wife & also his 4th wife:Wow1: I'll let you know the details after a bit more reading...

How did I find the Loon? I was out on looking for used Kevlar Tandem Canoes and fell off my chair when I saw a Loon listed in Kevlar. Dumb Luck, I Guess!!! I have looked on & off for over 10 years for one and saw my first example after reading a book on Isle Royale and the couple paddled 2 Kevlar Loons.

I would guess that this Loon weighs approx. 50 lbs and has the updated seat from the Sea Wind that flips to be an awesome Portage Yoke.

I plan to christen her on June 17th with a launch into the BWCA for a 14+ day trip.:elkgrin:

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Expedition Leader
I gotta object and definatly call that a Kayak... even if he does use a single paddle. That said: What a neat looking boat. I'd love to take that thing out and explore in it. Beautiful.





I also have difficulty calling the Loon a canoe and catch myself constantly saying "kayak". If Mr. Kruger sez... "Canoe", I can definitely get comfortable with the term in the long run.:)



Expedition Leader
I believe the Oxford English Dictionary defines a canoe as "a craft used by primitive peoples, paddled not rowed." Whether you have a canoe or not is determined by how civilized you are.

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Verlen Kruger was an amazing guy. I believe that on his first big trip across Canada he made and paddled a Sitka spruce strip built boat.


Expedition Leader
Verlen was quite a guy. I was talking about him to a friend last night, wondering how he made it over the Continental Divide when he paddled up the Colorado from the Sea of Cortez. I've always wondered how he made it around some of the rapids in the inner gorge of the Grand Canyon.
He left his wife and paddled with that younger woman for a while. Odd move.
How did you find the Loon? What does it weigh?

He ended up portaging 62 miles on that trip. Yeeow!

He paddled all those miles and didn't even begin paddling until he was 40 yrs old.

If its a single seater propelled by a single bladed paddle, its a C1.

Is that a Redfish in the background?


I don't know...

Is that a Redfish in the background?

Not so sure what is in the background T.Low, these pics were taken at the shop of the previous owners friend before I purchased the Loon. She was in for a little TLC & a buff job..... Hence the GLOW!

I know it's NOT a "Nigel" Boat..... Either 'Foster' or 'Dennis', I have examples of those vessels also.... :snorkel:

Who made Redfish? (or is that the manufacturer?)



Expedition Leader
Redfish is a manufacturer.

I used to work for Great River Outfitters (prior to the sale and move from Michigan) so of course I've still got a couple of Romanys and an Explorer (and a VCP ALeut Sea II tandem, Greg Barton's personal Black Marlin that he used in the Finlandia Clean Water Challenge, a Necky Phantom, a Seda Glider, a Barcelona Jelly Donut Cut slalom boat, and 5 other white water boats, sheesh).

While working at GRO in Michigan I crosseed paths with Verlen Kruger every now and again. Nice enough fellow with increbible stories. With all due respect to him, I did work for Stan Chladek and his two time olympic medalist daughter Dana, and worked closely with Frank Goodman and the Nigels, Dennis and Foster. The Pioneers of the sport. Those were good times.

Between you and I and the internet, i like this picture because Nigel (F of course) asked my to race his personal Silhouette in the Annual SKi to Sea race a few years back. Its a fast enough boat alright even though I was a little heavy for it. Out of 400 teams I was 32 and probably 2nd fastest in the Sea Kayak category (as oppossed to the surf skis).




Great Shot T.Low....

Our pathes have probably crossed without knowing.... Either at GRO (in MI vs. RI) or at a symposium. I'm also friends with Nigel Foster thru his friendship and minor partnership with Sweetwater kayaks in St. Pete FLA. I've actually paddle w/w with him in N. Carolina.... Who sez, Nigel is a sea kayaker only!

I have a Legend & a Shadow of his designs and they are my favorites! I also have a NDK Explorer HV that is still residing in N. Baffin Island after our Immersion Research sponsored "Vacation to Hell" last Summer in the Arctic, as Team Sweetwater.

Here's a link if interested:

And a pic or two: (Note: might have been a great day for sunblock with 24hours of daylight)
Iceberg ahead.... from the bow of the Greenlander Pro
Closer to home: Foster Boats on Dale Hollow Lake in TN.
Foster at Dale Hollow.jpg

Off & away from the computer for a 4 or 5 weeks.... To the BWCAW with the Loon!

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Expedition Leader
Holy moly, ice bergs! Way to go, KEENO! You're not at SweetWater any more, thats for sure.

Seems like the perfect trip for the Loon. 4-5 weeks, WOW. VK has a huge following on By the time you get this, you'll have returned from your trip. (any paddling trip you return from was a great paddling trip!)

GRO (self included) helped Scott Williams (previous owner) put on the first SweetWater symposium ("back in the day", already) and I have been back two or three times since. Relatively short drive from Mi., but a lot further now since I've moved to Bellingham, Wa (our and half from Nigel in Seattle). Nigel and I were guest observers for an ACA instructor rough water training session more recently, blah blah blah. He and Kristen are a blast to hang out with.

OK, I'm done name dropping now!:ylsmoke: Look forward to hearing about your trip.

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