I found a used Suunto Vector (foliage) for $85. It needs a new strap. That seems like a pretty good deal. I am having trouble comparing it to the Luminox 0201 Blackout though. How big of a watch is the Vector? I've tried on the core and its almost a little big for an everyday watch.
Ok, update. I tried on the 0201 Blackout and it felt really "cheap". It was very plasticy feeling as opposed to the Suunto, which is plastic but feels more solid. I think I am going to go with a Vector, but I found a Core for $50 and have to justify the difference. Those who have tired them why is the core $50 better?
Suunto makes 13 Core models... which one?
A watch is a chronograph and some are able to provide other data bits, but it's also about personal expression and style. The question beyond function is what makes you happy? The one you like best, that appeals to you at a gut level, is the the better one.
If my Vector wasn't so flippin' good (11 years now) I would get a Core All Black (SS014279010) in a nano-second (pun intended).
Thats the core I'm after. The all black, its just clean looking.
Those Cores are nice, but I would still take my Luminox I posted earlier in this thread.
I just do not have a need for anything other than to tell time, plus I do not like digital, I like analog hands.
This is my other watch I have not worn in close to three years.
It is very nice, but I like the Luminox for its ability to see it in total darkness.
If anyone here watches the show Burn Notice, that huge watch that Michael wears is a Chase Durer.
Pretty pricey though.
Ok, update. I tried on the 0201 Blackout and it felt really "cheap". It was very plasticy feeling as opposed to the Suunto, which is plastic but feels more solid. I think I am going to go with a Vector, but I found a Core for $50 and have to justify the difference. Those who have tired them why is the core $50 better?
Citizen Nighthawk EcoDrive. Nice dial for night time and doesn't need batteries.
The replacement battery for the Citizen Skyhawk Eco-Drive JR3000-51F wrist watch has costs around $60 to purchase if you ever need one. Citizen claims that after 20 year the battery will only have lost about 20% of its capacity.