What did you do to or where did you ride your mtn. bike today?

Cackalak Han

Went for a short ride (no pics), but thought I'd install a custom mount for my Garmin. No expenses were spared. Worked great.



Clocked in 3hrs this a.m. Hay Park, Carbondale CO, classic. Looped from the front door, about 30miles. No pics this time.

Yesterday was a short but fun, BUFF as it gets Rim trail, in between rain showers. No pics


Swapped out the trigger shifters on my Pivot 429 for set of twisties and a XO rear derailleur. Plan on doing a few long rides this weekend in Asheville and Dupont.


There is going to be a gathering of Syncros this weekend in the Taylor Park area NE of Gunnison,Colorado. Appears to be an active group so there will be some riding involved, so far looks like Doctors Park and RenoFlagBearDeadmans are on tap so if you see a group of vans with bikes on the back flag us down!


Borrowed my friends Surly SS 29'er last weekend and did some riding near home in Prescott. This spot was on a little trail called "Pete's Secret Trail" near Thumb Butte. SS and 29s were a lung buster for me, but I still had a good time.

Todd Z.


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All you westerners!!! I will bring FL into the mix, today I rode Flatwoods here in Tampa. I do a 15 mile loop that is flat and rooty! It is nice because it is only 5 min from the house!

Two days ago I rode Alafia State Park! This place is insane, big drops and nice climbs! Even went over the handle bars twice!! I will post some pics and video next time I ride!


Yesterday was a big one! All the major trails around Snowmass and Aspen. All in all, it ended up being 50.4 miles with an estimated 10,000 vert of climbing (GPS from last years same route, this years has not been downloaded yet) 10.5hrs. 1-33lb Nomab, about 200oz of fluids, 1 avocado, lots of Clif blocks and shots, Lots of suffering and lots of Singletrack. 12 riders started, 8 finished.

If you are curious about the route.
Airport-Owl Creek-Highline-rodeo lot-Rim (up the valley)-ditch trail-up Connector-up Village bound-Cross Mountain-Goverment-some trails into Aspen-ASPEN BREW PUB(mandatory beer)-Smuggler-Lolly Pop-Hunter Creek-4Courners Rd-Van Horn Park-Hobbit-4 Corners-Secret singletrack-Shadyside-Sunnyside-Airport :drool:


Last weekend was a fantastic 4 days in Vernon @ Silverstar. The weather was perfect, the trails were dusty, and a new line Prostar had been created.

All credit for pics is to my good buddy Tom who unfortunately had a bit of a digger on day 2 and couldnt ride day 3, hence why he was up taking pics. Oh and his Chev which gets way better mileage than my little Toy.

I also have to throw in a good word for Marin Bikes. I previously had a 2008 Quake 7.9 frame with an Elka shock and some modified links to give it 8" of travel. Well unfortunately that frame developed a crack about 2 weeks before this trip, and big bikes are only warrantied for 1 year. I talked to a old friend Braden who works for Marin Canada and had a new Quake frame @ the shop and built up 3 days later. Not only was getting the frame for the cost of shipping and a case of beer a killer deal but having it built up in 3 days absolutely blew my mind. Marin Canada and Hardcore Bikes in Edmonton as always saved my butt for this trip.
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Caught a pretty nasty storm on the way back to Edmonton. The hail only lasted about 5 minutes but the pics show how intense it was. Then 1/2 a km down the road it was just rain. It was very very weird...

Saw the lifted Yota driving up and just had to snap a pic. Unfortunately it isnt mine or anyone I know.
Definate props to Tom for the whip shot of me on the hip jump on Pro Star, the guy is a great photographer!

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