well I have been exploring on my mtn bike more the last few weeks. Some days are tough with the weather still being in the upper 90's to 100's degrees in the mornings in southern nevada.
I decided to start taking a camera and stop on my trail rides to document what I see instead of just riding as hard as I can to complete a workout.
I have been trying to learn a lot of the trails at Bootleg Canyon in Boulder City, NV. This area has been in a biking magazine as one of the top 100 places to ride in a lifetime and I am very fortunate that it is only about 10-15 miles from my house. I use a 2004 trek (so I am told) that I purchased off craig's list for my travels, which the other day I had at the bike shop for a new headset. It was funny the owner of the bike shop said (All Mountain Cyclery) this bike needs some love which we can handle in stages. I said I know, I know as long as I can still ride it.
So Bootleg Canyon
I was very lucky to see this desert tortoise as they are on the "endangered species list" I made sure to keep my distance it never did move off the trail so I turned around...
A day earlier I saw a young desert fox and was hoping I would see it again and to my surprise
What some of the trail looked liked as I was trying to explore, my wife said I thought you were going to start riding easier trails (reconstructed right wrist from a bike crash and a year later another crash that dislocated the same wrist) I told her it is easier my love...
I was very lucky to see what I saw that day so my bike needed a rest
I had to finish up with my first ever self portrait picture