What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

Took the Jeep storm chasing a few days before Christmas...

...geomagnetic storm chasing....

Don't mind me... I just need to update my facebook status...

-22C ( -7F) temps had my fingers freezing up quick...
but I really like how this photo turned out!

the skies in central Alberta were almost completely lit up

quick shot here then back in the Jeep to warm up...

2am and the show is starting to wind down...

I have more photos up on the blog and facebook page... and will have another post up here shortly of "day 2".
The solar storm from December 19th continued on into the next day (and night).
Once it got dark, I ventured out for more 'storm chasing' and captured these shots.

The photo of this one doesn't do it justice at all.. the brilliance, and the colors 'rippling' along the sky was an incredible sight. I need to play around with this photo a bit and see if I can tone down some of the green and highlight the pinks and reds that you could see. I normally have a 6 second exposure on most Northern Lights, but am afraid that might have been too long for this flare up.

Had a friend venture out so I could teach him a bit about night sky and aurora photography:

Haven't seen his pictures yet today, but I hope I taught him enough to get some quality shots of his rig.

I think this is my favorite of the night despite there being minimal for color - other than the usual green.

That's it for this time around... expect more in the new year - I think this has become something of a new hobby for me, and I've got a few friends eager to get their Jeep photos taken under the Northern Lights too!


What did I do in my Jeep? Almost got it stuck in snow that was over 3' deep! :Wow1:




Over the long weekend, I put about 1000 miles on the ZJ, tore an LCA bracket off the D30, welded it back on and put my snow tires on for winter (now that we might actually be getting winter).

Captain Texas

Ordered the Metalcloak JKU center seat support bracket. I was really surprised that Jeep didn't even think about supporting the rear center seat in the JKU!

I am in talks with a shop right now about labor costs for the AEV lift and bumpers. I should be getting some real work done in a few weeks!


Bought a handful (5) of fenders to work with to mod into a set of quick and dirty "flares" until I decide on how I want the final versions to be. These are 36L x 19H x 10W (14g IIRC) if anyone was curious. I know I'm not ready for these yet but they were on sale for a crazy cheap price and a common size so I can continue to get them if I screw one up during the build or on a trail.


I modified similar fenders for my trailer. If you "snip" them as shown in the pic below them become super flexible. Welding the gaps closed is also easy and brings back all of the rigidity. Honestly, it's a half hour job!

Good luck. I'm curious to see how they turn out.



Installed one of two 3 gallon rotopaxs. Waiting on the second mount to get the other one done. Also mounted the hi lift jack on the bumper. It's all coming together slowly....

Ordered a yeti HD flip drag link today....


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Since it was such a nice day out I decide to install the Bushwacker fender flares. Took all day for me to do it by myself but it wasn't bad. I like it a lot better with them...

Worst part doing the front with the snorkel...a pain to say the least.

It's now ready for the lift when it arrives this month since it bumps the rear axle back and inch and they recommend running flat fenders with it.




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Installed one of two 3 gallon rotopaxs. Waiting on the second mount to get the other one done. Also mounted the hi lift jack on the bumper. It's all coming together slowly....

Ordered a yeti HD flip drag link today....


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I see your Jeep is covered with salt. Take it from a guy that learned the hard way: Take your hi-lift off and place it inside the Jeep for winter, or stored until you need it for a wheeling trip. After one or two winters max you will be stripping the Hi-Lift, repainting, and then rebuilding it. It's a pain in the ***.


I see your Jeep is covered with salt. Take it from a guy that learned the hard way: Take your hi-lift off and place it inside the Jeep for winter, or stored until you need it for a wheeling trip. After one or two winters max you will be stripping the Hi-Lift, repainting, and then rebuilding it. It's a pain in the ***.

Good idea. It will be tossed into the shed till spring ;)

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