The solar storm from December 19th continued on into the next day (and night).
Once it got dark, I ventured out for more 'storm chasing' and captured these shots.
The photo of this one doesn't do it justice at all.. the brilliance, and the colors 'rippling' along the sky was an incredible sight. I need to play around with this photo a bit and see if I can tone down some of the green and highlight the pinks and reds that you could see. I normally have a 6 second exposure on most Northern Lights, but am afraid that might have been too long for this flare up.
Had a friend venture out so I could teach him a bit about night sky and aurora photography:
Haven't seen his pictures yet today, but I hope I taught him enough to get some quality shots of his rig.
I think this is my favorite of the night despite there being minimal for color - other than the usual green.
That's it for this time around... expect more in the new year - I think this has become something of a new hobby for me, and I've got a few friends eager to get their Jeep photos taken under the Northern Lights too!