What is the point of Expo graphic wraps?

I have considered doing a black perforated wrap for rear windows on vehicles with leads that go to rear wind defrosters and make window tint hard to cut around specifically my old 91 suburban


Graphics for a business I can understand, nice outdoor scene graphics on your truck to be unique from the exact other trucks on the road I can understand. But graphics for advertising someones elses business without compensation I don't understand. What I don't understand is camo wrap ALL OVER THE VEHICLE....what are they boaching and don't want to be seen by the game warden...what does it do besides try and hide you from what...deers, bear, and critters...they don't care, as long as they don't see the owner or their gun. Wraps.....just another thing for someone to make money off of...good for them for those who can afford it. I personally have no use for wraps. To each his own though! When I buy a truck I immediately have the dealership remove their logo from the truck...no remove, no sale. I'm not advertising for anyone unless I'm getting paid. They remove quickly.

The scenic ones on the camper and truck as posted look very nice and makes your truck unique instead of postage stamped vehicles you see everywhere.



The folks at Local-motors.com, the company that makes the Rally Fighter kit car, say that the vinyl wraps weigh less than painting the car. And vinyl is more friendly to the environment than painting.

Really? PVC is problematic to recycle, and some environmental groups and Kalifornistan are calling for it to be banned. Plus, it is made from nasty petroleum by evil corporations! <== (sarcasm) Personally, I have no issues with vinyl or paint, but these days it is way too easy to just say that something is "friendly to the environment" without any proof whatsoever. Off my soap box now.

I dont know who put that on the website :) but I can say it's environmentally friendly for my body! It's nice not haveing to wear a resporator and bunnysuit when applying a wrap... on a rallyfighter:D
They do great off-road, we have never ripped a wrap on our test beta or the dedicated race-car. Almost ~4yrs on the beta's wrap and it's been parked outside in the phx sun for maybe 1/8 of it's life.
You can easily remove and change the wrap by simply re-wrapping or wrapping over another part. The factory paint, gelcoat or whatever remains protected underneath and will be pristine if you decide to remove the wrap. I wasn't a fan at first, but I would totally wrap my own projects if I had the cash.

Some wraps are absolutely crazy, we built one car with one of the 3M SCOTCH wrap stuff, it literally looked and felt like stainless steel, people at SEMA were knocking on it and rubbing it and couldn't belive there was fiberglass/carbon-fiber underneath. I had a couple of people call the car a "lifted delorean" lol!
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Viking with a Hammer
Because you have to put something on a wrap. I've never seen a clear wrap, or one that matched the body color well. So you can do flat black on the sides of your rig for a nice expo two tone, or you can come up with a nice scheme.

I wouldn't mind wrapping the sides of my truck with flat black for scratch protection. Vinyl deos offer alot of protection against tree branch pinstriping. I think flat black with some humorous milspec lettered type labels would be funny. No Step, Gas fuel only, arrow pointing to the shower connection marked "Naked Shower Connections", "Lick Me" labled over the aux battery plug, "**** Arock" on the rear 1/4 panel where "FX4" usually goes, " I like turtles." on the tailgate.

{It would be kinda neat to put a wrap on a Subaru Impreza STI that matched Brocks Rally car.} I'm not a flat biller, but I am a black socker.
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Tudor Tanase

Active member
old tread, but I did read the bit about scratches and dents saying "expedition vehicle" in a much more genuine way than the "wraps". My old cruiser has plenty of both scratches and dents, but the best was someone's old Patrol with a badly dented quarter panel. Instead of stressing, fixing, etc, he had just written in permanent marker, on the dent: "Cape York Trip 2019". So every time he sees the dent, he remembers the adventure :) That's the right attitude, IMHO.


scratch protection ??? .... whats wrong with scratches ?!?

IMHO a rig that shows a couple (or a lot:Wow1:) of "battle scares" and "brush pin stripes" is more believable as a "real" expo rig then a oh so cool wrap that shows tales of what could be done with the rig (if the owner would not be scared to make it dirty or scratch it up) :p

btw there is also a legal problem with stickers and wraps on larger rigs;
any kind of "Advertising" (regardless if you actually get compensated for it or not) is a very easy way to get in a lot of problems with the DOT, especially if your rig is registered as an RV and you drive it without CDL (commercial driver license).

i learned that with my first Truck conversion :Wow1: ... i was lucky the friendly DOT officer who stopped me was in a good mood and let me go with the promise to peel the stickers off asap.

I realize this is a really, really old post, but my day job is as a First Amendment lawyer, and this was clearly unconstitutional. Government doesn't get to restrict your expression based on its content.


I realize this is a really, really old post, but my day job is as a First Amendment lawyer, and this was clearly unconstitutional. Government doesn't get to restrict your expression based on its content.

Agreed, and as someone who works regularly with the DOT I can assure you they don't care much about your personal vehicle or what's on it. They are much more interested in generating revenue inspecting actual commercial trucks.


As I've posted before, I'm an old codger and don't understand social media (or even building the "brand"). What is the point of expensive Expo style graphic wraps? To look like a advertisement? Conspicuously display your wealth? Declare your tribal affiliation? Inquiring minds want to know?
One step above having a snorkle, highlift jack and mega lights?


Well-known member
I realize this is a really, really old post, but my day job is as a First Amendment lawyer, and this was clearly unconstitutional. Government doesn't get to restrict your expression based on its content.

So explain why I got a ticket for whizzing off a bridge not knowing the Ladies Auxiliary was under the bridge picking bluebells along the river? The content or the amount thereof seemed to be a factor, the period of time for the observation of my expression was extended for some time, due to the content. A simple drop may not have been an issue, in the past, such expressions have gained a favorable response from ladies, but being rained on by the content was not appreciated.


So explain why I got a ticket for whizzing off a bridge not knowing the Ladies Auxiliary was under the bridge picking bluebells along the river? The content or the amount thereof seemed to be a factor, the period of time for the observation of my expression was extended for some time, due to the content. A simple drop may not have been an issue, in the past, such expressions have gained a favorable response from ladies, but being rained on by the content was not appreciated.

You worked hard on that response, and I appreciate your efforts.


Well-known member
There is clearly a marketing/business opportunity here. Just use pre-scratched or scratch images within the actual graphic on the wrap.

Win, win.

If you use the idea, please send me a hundred, fifty, 25, ten, how about 5 bucks...
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White Turtle Adventures & Photography
My wrap because I got tired of hearing on TV & the movies that "The suspect was spotted in a plan white van" or "They were kidnapped by someone in a plain white van". Since then everyone is doing van graphics. At least now they can tell the police it was a white van with wilderness stuff on the side of it. :cautious::cautious:

Left Side View.JPGRear and Right View.jpg

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