Where can I shoot?


Well-known member
-Even the most restrictive jurisdictions can not prevent you from from traveling through the city/state with firearms that are legal where you came from and where you are going as long as you don't stop besides gas, food, ect and it is secured in a trunk or otherwise inaccessible. I believe this is a federal law, right to travel or something.

My plan is to travel with a 12 gauge shotgun and a 9mm with 10 round magazine as to be legal in as many states as possible.

From Wikipedia:

The New Jersey State Police observes federal rules under the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA) and has provided guidelines on its website concerning the transport of firearms through the state in accordance with FOPA.[6]

However, many local police departments in New Jersey do not recognize FOPA and have been known to detain and/or arrest out-of-state travelers who are traveling with their firearms properly secured IAW FOPA. Similarly, some local prosecutors have been known to press weapons charges against travelers transporting their firearms through the state IAW FOPA.

It is advisable to avoid travel through New Jersey whenever practicable.[7]


Well-known member
I live in California. Here are my understandings:

Car: Pretty much covered. Handguns must be unloaded and in a locked container out of access of driver. The glovebox and center console are specifically not allowed, locked or otherwise. Ammo can be stored with handgun, as long as not loaded or attached to the firearm. Rifles are basically the same except that they do not require to be locked or out of the reach of the driver. Just unloaded with no ammo attached (leather buttstock cover with ammo for instance = loaded)

Home or Campsite (which would include a parked, camping, RV). ....It is ok to carry, open or concealed a loaded firearm, pistol or rifle in your home or campsite. Special rules apply If a minor is present or able to access your unattended firearm, loaded or not and it must be locked & unloaded if not on your person if so.

Fishing. If you have a valid fishing license in the state of CA, you may carry a loaded weapon, concealed or otherwise, on foot, to, from or during the act of fishing, unless otherwise restricted (which basically means in National Forests / Parks or BLM land).

As far as shooting goes. BLM land & National Forests are the best bet.

Let me know if anyone thinks I got something wrong or missed something.


Well-known member
Probably stating the obvious but there are many types of gun safes designed to be mounted in a vehicle or even home safes that could be mounted in your RV. I think using one would mitigate many legal and safety risks associated with carrying firearms while traveling.


Officious Intermeddler
Fishing. If you have a valid fishing license in the state of CA, you may carry a loaded weapon, concealed or otherwise, on foot, to, from or during the act of fishing, unless otherwise restricted (which basically means in National Forests / Parks or BLM land).

As far as shooting goes. BLM land & National Forests are the best bet.

“Fishing. If you have a valid fishing license in the state of CA, you may carry a loaded weapon, concealed or otherwise, on foot, to, from or during the act of fishing”

That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to go fishing with a shotgun... that definitely would increase my chances of success ?

“As far as shooting goes. BLM land & National Forests are the best bet.”

On a less flippant note folks, that was an informative, helpful post...but do be aware that the BLM has had new regs for a while about what you can use for targets on its/your land. Basically,you should stick with paper targets. Using beer cans and/or bottles, etc., now seems to be the big no-no (using the wrong targets could get you fined).
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Someone above wrote that BLM and National Forest are your best bet for shoting.

That is a generally accurate statement. However, the last number of years both NFS and BLM have implemented many local/seasonal restrictions based on fire danger which have essentially eliminated the ability to recreationally shoot on these lands. I say seasonal, but in california it's pretty much fire season year round now. There are also fire restrictions on camp fires and in many cases gas stoves. This in turn makes boondocking not nearly as inviting.

My post is not intended to create a debate about fire restrictions, just know it exists.


Well-known member
Home or Campsite (which would include a parked, camping, RV). ....It is ok to carry, open or concealed a loaded firearm, pistol or rifle in your home or campsite.

Let me know if anyone thinks I got something wrong or missed something.

I am having trouble seeing where you can open carry in your campsite or even concealed carry in and around your campsite. It makes sense if your RV is a car when driving and a home when parked then your campsite becomes your yard. I have a vision of things going very wrong if you open carry at one of the beach campsites in Socal.


I am not a Wyoming resident and haven’t researched your states laws. You may want to verify this statement
”Since I live in Wyoming, I believe my Wyoming Drivers License is essentially a concealed carry permit in all but a few states.” I know it wouldn’t fly in my state.

if you really want to travel with a handgun, getting a Wyoming permit may be a good investment. You can look here:

As always, I may completely wrong.
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Officious Intermeddler
the last number of years both NFS and BLM have implemented many local/seasonal restrictions based on fire danger which have essentially eliminated the ability to recreationally shoot on these lands. I say seasonal, but in california it's pretty much fire season year round now.

I usually like steel, you get action and sound and the enjoyment of plinking but without anything left behind

Right on??, shooting steel is great fun. I can’t fully remember what the BLM Rangers told our group when they rolled up on us as we killing paper target out in the desert in Central AZ the last time, but IIRC use of steel targets is likely banned in times of higher fire danger (if all shooting isn’t already banned for the same risk reason).


I am not a Wyoming resident and haven’t researched your states laws. You may want to verify this statement
”Since I live in Wyoming, I believe my Wyoming Drivers License is essentially a concealed carry permit in all but a few states.” I know it wouldn’t fly in my state.

if you really want to travel with a handgun, getting a Wyoming permit may be a good investment. You can look here:

As always, I may completely wrong.

Nearly the same for Idaho.

We also have constitutional carry.


Active member
Using bottles or clay pigeons on public land would be about the same for me as throwing your orange peels on the trail or your TP on the ground behind a tree

I usually like steel, you get action and sound and the enjoyment of plinking but without anything left behind

I always buy the biodegradable clay pigeons. They are fun to supplement paper targets, and friendly to nature.

I agree with you, I hate people leaving their mess anywhere. Pack it in / pack it out absolutely applies to target shooting, along with any other outdoor activity.

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