Wildlife Photography


This guy popped up right next to me when I was on the rocks

came across these guys while wheeling in Bishop CA



this guy had an attitude
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They were fun. I was driving slow down the road because I knew there were usually deer in the area. I caught something out of the corner of my eye and stopped, then backed up a little. I was about 6ft away sitting in my FJ. The one on the left peeked out of the hole and I shot a couple of photos. He then came out a little farther and pretty soon the other peeked over his shoulder. Then they both came out and stood there. I was actually talking to them while shooting some photos. I then put the camera down and started to drive off and they sat there and watched me until I was a fair amount down the road then they went back in their den. That was the first and last time I saw them.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
We were hiking in Yellowstone and decided to take a break along the trail. While Cindy and I were sitting there, we watched one poke his head out of his den. Within a few minutes another appeared and we were entertained by them for about an hour. They would crawl right up to us and sniff our hiking boots. Curious little critters they are!


When we finally grew bored with them, some more hikers were coming up and asked if we were alright. We told them about the marmots and said if they sat still they'd come out and play with them. When we were coming back down, the hikers thanked us saying they sat for quite some time with them sniffing all around them.

I dont know if this is recommended in Yellowstone, but it was a Marmot, not a Grizzly :elkgrin:


Nice shot! That's pretty cool. I've only seen them around here less than a 1/2 dozen times. I don't know if they move around or if I just miss them. One other time that I saw them that was really strange, happened several years ago. I had just dropped down through a small canyon and was driving by an old ranch. There was a small hill and something caught my attention. When I looked there were probably 30 of them all running up that hill. I didn't have a camera with me at the time, and if I did, I probably wouldn't have gotten a photo as I was kind of stunned at what I saw.

I'm not that good at taking photos, but I try. The area around me is great for scenic areas and for wildlife. There is an area that has a trail systems for hiking, biking, horses, and ATVS. You can drive down the main road or be on an ATV and be very close to deer, elk, and moose. I was on ATV a few years ago and was within about 4ft of being able to touch a deer as I drove by and around the same time I was driving my truck down the main dirt road heading home. There was a guy parked in the middle of the road and I couldn't figure out why. Just before I got to him he started driving off. As I got to where he was, I looked around and was shocked to see a moose standing on the side of the road about 10ft away just munching on the foliage. They don't seem to get spooked as easy as most places. Last summer I saw a young moose standing quite some distance away in a meadow. I took a couple of shots and he moved closer. I took a couple more, and he moved closer. It went on like this until he was about 1/2 the distance and I finally left.


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
A Snowy Owl from this past weekend.


Some Elk from last fall in Waterton Park, Alberta.



South American Fauna


I thought I'd post a few random South American photos from one of my trips a few years ago:

I was going through a very shallow depth of field phase here, and obsessed with 'bokeh'...
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The male at the back was trying to sneak into the dominant male's harem from behind, but was caught out. The big male in the front roared at him, they exchanged a few words in Sea-Lion, and the contender bolted back to the sea. If you've ever seen the documentary Wolves of the Sea about killer whales hunting by surfing in under waves and beaching themselves, then this is one of the places they do it.
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If at first you don't see it, try try again. Or try lightening your monitor...
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I think I disturbed nap time for this chap, he acted as p'ed off as he looks.
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This macaw in the bird park at Iguacu Falls had been institutionalised too long and developed a foot fetish. Seriously. Actually, it had developed a thong/flip flop fetish, and chased everyone who was wearing flip flops, grabbed the shoe and pulled the toe plug out. Then he lost interest and allowed the offended foot to reclaim its rubberware.
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Just inquisitive.
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I posted this a while ago in a different thread, but thought I'd put her gorgeous face in this thread as well.
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Minor saturation adjustment and debris removal in Photoshop Elements, but otherwise as seen with the naked eye.
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