Nice shot! That's pretty cool. I've only seen them around here less than a 1/2 dozen times. I don't know if they move around or if I just miss them. One other time that I saw them that was really strange, happened several years ago. I had just dropped down through a small canyon and was driving by an old ranch. There was a small hill and something caught my attention. When I looked there were probably 30 of them all running up that hill. I didn't have a camera with me at the time, and if I did, I probably wouldn't have gotten a photo as I was kind of stunned at what I saw.
I'm not that good at taking photos, but I try. The area around me is great for scenic areas and for wildlife. There is an area that has a trail systems for hiking, biking, horses, and ATVS. You can drive down the main road or be on an ATV and be very close to deer, elk, and moose. I was on ATV a few years ago and was within about 4ft of being able to touch a deer as I drove by and around the same time I was driving my truck down the main dirt road heading home. There was a guy parked in the middle of the road and I couldn't figure out why. Just before I got to him he started driving off. As I got to where he was, I looked around and was shocked to see a moose standing on the side of the road about 10ft away just munching on the foliage. They don't seem to get spooked as easy as most places. Last summer I saw a young moose standing quite some distance away in a meadow. I took a couple of shots and he moved closer. I took a couple more, and he moved closer. It went on like this until he was about 1/2 the distance and I finally left.