Windows 10 has arrived


Tossing ewoks on Titan
I used to be like that, but for photo editing I now use photor. It does everything I want to do. Now, I feel yes, that full blown programs are better, but not necessary for 90 % of the population. And yes, I will still load on my full blown photo and video editing programs, but most times the "app" based programs will be fine. I think outlook will go "app" based. You will not know any difference other than you will download it from the store instead of the website.

I am not 90% of the population. I do video and audio editing for a living. I also have to do a bit of photo editing to make money (as well as write). I do agree that most people are fine using dumbed down apps, because most people are consumers of media, not producers.

You can already have Outlook as an app, but there are many things Outlook-as-an-app doesn't do. Again, if you don't use it for anything other than personal email, Outlook as app will probably be fine. But then again, if you're merely a consumer of media you most likely can do with a smartphone or a tablet.

And, Airmapper, Win 10 is more work oriented than win 8.1. They listened to people who actually produce "stuff" on their computers. Think of the start menu. It's back, and it's even better than the win 7 menu.


Autism Family Travellers!
I am talking about future versions of outlook. Its all GOING to be app based products in the future, us as consumers will not see a difference but they are shift that way to service all platforms. I am thinking that most everything will switch to app based. EVEN PHOTOSHOP! egads! But you as a professional will probably not noticed a huge difference. Again, they are going to have all products be served by one program or "app".

Think about it, having full blown photoshop on all of your devices. KICK ***. you could plug your phone into a monitor and edit using real photoshop.


Tossing ewoks on Titan
Except, phones will never be as capable in processing power as laptops and desktops. And certain programs require plenty of power to work - there are minimum requirements for a reason for those programs (and they would still be there if they were "apps").

Now, do I want to do photoshop on my phone? No, hell no. The physical size of my tool pallettes would render it cumbersome at best.

Do I want to do audio and much worse video editing on a phone? Hell no, and I sure as hell would not like to figure out make-shift solutions for adding external audio and video cards and mixers to a phone to run that "full" app, that isn't actually a complete app, because the lack of size in itself would make it impossible to use, unless it was dumbed down to work on a miniscule screen with touch-only input.

Seriously, even if a phone had the raw and equal processing power needed, everything would be much harder to do because you'd have to go through hoops to use your tools or even shortcuts. That goes for Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Audtion, Word, and Outlook as well as most other apps that aren't about consumption or have very simple functionality. Do I want to use my fingers tapping away at menus to get to basic tools needed? Hell no.


Autism Family Travellers!
Did you not read about being able to plug your phone into a full size monitor etc. the options are there. plus, using wireless keyboards etc. I am just saying that options are there for windows using "app" based software more powerfully. You are not processing what I am saying I don't think. You are stuck on APP as a word of lesser power. etc. In windows 10 case, it releases more power in a variety of ways in the future. I would be so excited to get a new windows phone with my camera (1020) with say 256GB of storage, 8gb ram and the capability to take that platform and pop it into a docking station to edit photos. Then while into the dock, plug in your SLR, edit photos right there, ON A BIG monitor, but then, go to your clients to show them the possibilities of what their photos can look like on your phone or tablet instead of lugging around a honking laptop or paper photos....

See where 10's future is going?


Tossing ewoks on Titan
Did you not read about phones never becoming as powerful as laptops and desktops? Did you not read about the problem you will have with a small screen? Yes, in the future I will be able to plug it into a big screen, but it will still be a slow processor compared to a laptop or desktop. And did you not read about plugging other things into your workstation? You think carrying an extra screen and Bluetooth keyboard somehow makes it as good as a laptop or desktop? Really?

Let me repeat once more: A phone will never be as powerful as a laptop or a desktop, and will never have the same connectability, nor capability of a laptop or desktop. I am sorry, but you might be able to waste your time using a phone to edit your photos, video, and audio (connected to a (1!) external display), but pros usually have deadlines, and we tend to want to do the hard lifting as fast and easy as possible.

Using your phone connected to an (a single) external display to make up for the small screen would mean you would always need to either carry a monitor to plug in somewhere, or would need to go back to base where the external screen is placed. And then use a comparitively slow processer to do some heavy lifting. How would I, for instance, connect a Red Rocket? An ordinary audio card? A mixer? A proper editing keyboard? And even if all those things were in place and worked, you would still have to deal with slower than necessary processing power, AND need to deal with the shortcoming of a small screen while out in the field? Oh, you want the monitor to be battery powered? Yeah, that's a good idea to make up for the greatness that is attempting to use a mobile phone in a professional environment where you have to have raw processing power to compete. You have to remember you are not only up against deadlines, you are up against everyone else who has faster and better hardware, delivering better results faster. How long do you think you can compete in such an environment? ""Dailies" conversion to format of choice" ring a bell?

P.S. Who on earth said you should take a stonking big laptop or desktop with you to your clients, or that the alternative is paper photos? Online mass storage and USB transfer to your tablet/phone/laptop works quite well. Although, I don't think anyone will be impressed with anything being shown to them on a miniscule phone screen. And with pro video, that is completely out of the question. LOL, I'm sorry, but do you think even a still from an DSLR looks so much better than one from your windows phone when shown to a client on that phone? Seriously, you show it to him on something that he can see the details on. As for dailies, I can just imagine you sitting there for days and weeks on end, getting a backlog that grows by the hour, all to be able to show them the dailies in the format of their choice. Yup, you'd be a hit.
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Autism Family Travellers!
Windows has always been Bloatware and always will be...

Lemme guess OSX is the god send? Yeah, for sure! I had that for 6 months spent over 2500 dollars on sub par hardware that looked pretty but never had the goods. OSX produced the spinning beach ball twice as much as any of my windows machines would cough up a blue screens. Back on windows for good now, with all my tech products and will be staying put because windows is 1. a better OS, 2. hardware is better for 1/3 of the cost, 3. you don't look like a tosser in starbucks with apple products.

Pilat, I think you are going to be surprised in the new hardware coming from Microsoft in the near future. I am not doubting what you are saying about Right now. But in the future, your going to need one device and do everything on one. Like a revised version of the Asus padfone.

I think its a very exciting time for Microsoft, and when 10 comes out and they release universal apps for all platforms its going to be a game changer.


Tossing ewoks on Titan
No, you still don't get it. No matter of the tech and the OS, you can put more power and more connections into a larger physical size. And because of that alone, you will never see pros buying slower hardware to do heavy lifting because that puts them at a disadvantage. But I give up trying to explain this stuff to you. You seem to ignore any and all evidence all so you can continue with the idea that a smartphone will be as capable and connectable as laptops and desktops for heavy lifting and actual production of what you and others consume.


Tossing ewoks on Titan
As for OS X, I was a user for more than two decades, but gave up after huge problems and the increasing focus on the iPod/iPhone people while ignoring pro users. That was more than 6 years ago. I haven't looked back since and never will. If you mean Linux, sure, if you like to tinker, and don't mind all the unsupported hardware people need, and don't mind not having the software you need to do actual work on it (I mean, in a professional audio/video production environment). That leaves Windows. Besides, I like my trackpoint on my Thinkpads, as the huge trackpad on a mac makes me suffer from tendinitis/tendinosis.


The important question is: Do you understand what I am saying?

Most of the folks who don't work in the Entertainment industry probably don't get it. I'm a Windows guy, have been for many years. For what it's worth, at work, all of our editing/coloring systems are Linux based.


Autism Family Travellers!
No, you still don't get it. No matter of the tech and the OS, you can put more power and more connections into a larger physical size. And because of that alone, you will never see pros buying slower hardware to do heavy lifting because that puts them at a disadvantage. But I give up trying to explain this stuff to you. You seem to ignore any and all evidence all so you can continue with the idea that a smartphone will be as capable and connectable as laptops and desktops for heavy lifting and actual production of what you and others consume.

I do get it and I agree with you, BUT, in the near future, technology is going to go through a big spike again where they will be able to shrink POWERFUL internal into a small machine, then use a docking station instead of a real desktop computer. I am tossing out the possibilities of whats coming in the near future. You are talking about now. The "app" (I use that term loosely as the new programs will be based on the app system), Like it or lump it that is coming. But the "app" will be as powerful as your current Lightroom/Photoshop/etc program.

Linux is fun, but you have to tinker a lot. OSX, meh, did that, bought the hat lost a crap load of money because everyone said it was the be all, end all, in computing. NOT THE CASE.


Tossing ewoks on Titan
I do get it and I agree with you, BUT, in the near future, technology is going to go through a big spike again where they will be able to shrink POWERFUL internal into a small machine, then use a docking station instead of a real desktop computer.
Yes, and when that happens, laptops and desktops will still be even more powerful, and will still be more connectable.
I am tossing out the possibilities of whats coming in the near future. You are talking about now.
No, I'm talking about reality, past, present, and future. In the future, you and other consumers may be able to make do with something like that, but pros will not.

The "app" (I use that term loosely as the new programs will be based on the app system), Like it or lump it that is coming. But the "app" will be as powerful as your current Lightroom/Photoshop/etc program.

But your future phone will never be as connectable and powerful as a future laptop or future desktop. That is how technology works.

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