So, I got my RTT mounting system completely mocked up this weekend. It's been a bit of a chore to get it all put together, but I'm very happy with the result.
I had to do a bit of my own fabricating to get to make the system work the way I want. I wanted to use the Front Runner bed rack, which I think is a really cool system. Unfortunately, it mounts via a 90 degree bracket that bolts to the top and the inside lip of the bed rails. This means you can't use a tonneau cover of any sort. I really want to use a tonneau cover to keep all my gear nice and dry, so I had to come up with a better solution.
I can get a cover for the Frontier that mounts to the inside lip of the bed rails, so I just needed to move the rack on top of the rails. To do this, I built some brackets out of 3/16 wall 2" square tubing.
Next, I had to mount these brackets to the bed. The hardest part was actually figuring out where I wanted them mounted. The bed rails on a Frontier aren't weak, but they could be stronger, so I tried to choose the most solidly supported sections of the rails. The rearmost brackets are situated just above the rear bed rail supports, so they are as strong as they can be. The front brackets are as far forward as I can make them as well. Between this and the wider mounting brackets, the rack is now very strong and solid, probably more so than the original design. Next thing to do was get everything bolted up.
Next, we attached the mounting rails to the tent. This is certainly a 2 person job, as it requires you to crawl into the tent while it is half open, shove a bolt through the floor, and have your friend set the rails in place while you tighten the bolts.
Then we hoisted the tent onto the rack and installed the hardware. I had to make special mounting plate because the Front Runner horizontal rails are very wide and the plates that came with the tent weren't long enough.
Luckily, the rack's arms were just far enough apart to fit the mounting plates, so I now know that the tent is perfectly centered
So here's how it looks with the tent all mounted up and in place.
I'm super pleased with this setup! It looks fantastic and is very functional. Having that area under the tent covered and shaded is pretty neat, and I like the fact that I can still see out the back window. After driving it around, I can say the extra weight up high is almost unnoticeable. The rack is very solid even over bumpy terrain. It looks like it's flexing a bunch, bust almost all of that is movement in the bed, not the rack. Like I said, super pleased. Front Runner's products are of great quality and they look very good.
So, just for you guys, despite the biting cold and constant snowfall, I opened the tent up to snap a few pics. Setup is easy. Just unzip the cover, remove the straps, slide the cover off. Pop open the retaining straps and slid the ladder out.
Then use the ladder to lever the tent up and pull it out. Then put the spring bars in place to hold the windows open, and you're done!
As you can see in that first picture, the only problem I have with this setup is that I can't use one of the spring bars to hold the front window open. The cab is in the way. Other than that, I love the setup. The tent creates a huge overhang that provides shade and shelter from the rain/snow, which is a plus.
I climbed up into the tent to test it out and I am even more pleased now. It's so solid and stable, and very comfortable. Getting in and out is easy, and having a view from almost 6 feet up is pretty cool. Even up in the wind, I can notice the inside of the tent is warmer than outside. I'm most certainly a RTT convert now.