Yeti and the Marshmallow


AGMs WILL offgas, if they are overcharged. It is unlikely, but still a possibility.

The charger and inverter will have internal fans, you could just make sure they exhaust Air from the box rather than add fans to do so.

BTW, I'm also typing this in my Van. It's been my home for longer than I will admit to. I have taken it x country at least 11 times, with another half dozen trips up and down the coastlines thrown in for good measure.

When I last unloaded it, it took up half a 2 car garage, and I simply cannot believe it all fits inside while leaving me enough room to be very comfortable.

It's only 2wd with an open diff, but with a little airing down and some momentum, I've taken it a few places many 2wd's could not go.


AGMs WILL offgas, if they are overcharged. It is unlikely, but still a possibility.

The charger and inverter will have internal fans, you could just make sure they exhaust Air from the box rather than add fans to do so.

BTW, I'm also typing this in my Van. It's been my home for longer than I will admit to. I have taken it x country at least 11 times, with another half dozen trips up and down the coastlines thrown in for good measure.

When I last unloaded it, it took up half a 2 car garage, and I simply cannot believe it all fits inside while leaving me enough room to be very comfortable.

It's only 2wd with an open diff, but with a little airing down and some momentum, I've taken it a few places many 2wd's could not go.

Sounds like me unloading my Kenworth when I sold it, took 2 pickup loads back to the house and threw a bunch of stuff away.

So wheres the pictures?


Nope, none. But I've measured the crap out of my van and spent a lot of time hanging out inside. Most of my posts here have been made from the back of my van. I'm actually sitting in the van right now with a Mountain Dew. :sombrero:

My plan is assuming the worst for space and not being generous at all.

I'm going with a single burner stove which is less than 12 inches wide, a sink that is 12 inches wide, and putting a chest fridge in that is about 15 inches wide when turned sideways. I have a 3'12"x12"+ space dedicated to the kitchen. How are they not going to fit?

I have a total of 6'12" from the back to the bulkhead, and 4'6" in width. That still leaves me roughly 3' total for a bed, in the bench position it will only be about 18" wide, leaving an 18" ledge/box from the edge of the bench to the start of the kitchen over the wheel well, on the other side it will be a bit more. If I find all the electronics don't fit on the passenger side, I can steal some space from the storage under the bench, or put some on the driver side.

I'm going with AGM batteries, they don't out gas. I'll use two computer fans to the electronics box, one to draw air out and one in.

Oh, and I'd love to see your van. I will probably need help with the high voltage stuff, don't wanna set my Marshmallow on fire.

Trailer is out of the question at this point. I don't have the funds for one, but even if I did I don't want one, I want my living arrangement self contained. I don't get what you mean by cutting into the side of the van and making a box. I'm not looking for a land yacht with all the amenities, you guys are way over interpreting my plans.

Kind of cracks me up man, yesterday you were lementing about the chemicals that might be in glue or insulation, today you are planning on sleeping next to a device that can give off an explosive poisionous gas. :costumed-smiley-007


I want my living arrangement self contained. I don't get what you mean by cutting into the side of the van and making a box. I'm not looking for a land yacht with all the amenities, you guys are way over interpreting my plans.

You say your gonna build boxes over the wheel wells right? Well the walls of the Van are curved, the boxes should be curved to fit the wall to help give them support, maximize storage, and not look like a haphazard arrangement by a demented child.

We might be over interpreting your plans, but you are underestimating the structures of what you state you want to build.


It's just an ugly old Dodge with a raised roof and stock sized tires, pics on this site would just be an embarrassment.

The Interior is secret.
M bu hu ha ha ha hawwwwww :xxrotflma

"You see Scott on the outside it looks like an ordinary van, and in the back it is my secret mobile lair, and it even has minature sharks with minature laser beams on thier foreheads..."


Basement Yeti

Kind of cracks me up man, yesterday you were lementing about the chemicals that might be in glue or insulation, today you are planning on sleeping next to a device that can give off an explosive poisionous gas. :costumed-smiley-007

AGMs only out gas when they are over charged. I don't see what I'm supposed to do, I don't have the tools or skills to build a special metal compartment for them, nor the funds to pay someone.

You say your gonna build boxes over the wheel wells right? Well the walls of the Van are curved, the boxes should be curved to fit the wall to help give them support, maximize storage, and not look like a haphazard arrangement by a demented child.

We might be over interpreting your plans, but you are underestimating the structures of what you state you want to build.

I am well aware that the walls of my van are curved and it is not a perfect box. I've taken this into account and I plan to make templates of the curve in that area for the sides of the boxes.


AGMs only out gas when they are over charged. I don't see what I'm supposed to do, I don't have the tools or skills to build a special metal compartment for them, nor the funds to pay someone.

I am well aware that the walls of my van are curved and it is not a perfect box. I've taken this into account and I plan to scribe the walls and make templates of the curve for the sides of the boxes.

Id take a look at truck tool boxes and see if you can find one that could be mounted to the frame of your van, and then cut it into the side, put the batteries in it.

A box like that will cost less than 300.00 and that is a lot cheaper than winding up dead myfriend.

Basement Yeti

You guys talk about how hard it will for me to build a wooden box inside then go and tell me to hack up the side of my van and stick a metal box in there.

Basement Yeti

Anyway, electronics will be the last thing I add. I haven't even looked at electronics stuff that thoroughly. If it turns out that batteries can murder me in my sleep I can always stick them inside a tucker tote, seal it, and vent it to the outside.

I HIGHLY doubt this. Most good AGM batteries have multiple pressure release valves and only vent when seriously overcharged, even the cheapest charge controller will prevent this.


Anyway, electronics will be the last thing I add. I haven't even looked at electronics stuff that thoroughly. If it turns out that batteries can murder me in my sleep I can always stick them inside a tucker tote, seal it, and vent it to the outside.

I HIGHLY doubt this. Most good AGM batteries have multiple pressure release valves and only vent when seriously overcharged, even the cheapest charge controller will prevent this.

I tell you what, hold off on installing the coach batteries, I will cut a box into the side of the van for you here. And I will show you how to do it, so in the future you will know.

Basement Yeti

I tell you what, hold off on installing the coach batteries, I will cut a box into the side of the van for you here. And I will show you how to do it, so in the future you will know.

lol, poor Nick. How many things are on our list now for my visit? You won't be able to get rid of me for a month.


Hey man, people have been sleeping next to their AGM's for years without issue. It would just be irresponsible to not point out that they can offgass in extreme overcharging situations.

I believe the only real precautions you need to make with them is not putting the charger and inverter in the same box as the batteries.

Ideally Nick would weld up some trays so you could mount them to the frame and not even put them in the cabin. This opens up some space inside, and lowers the CG.

There are other products like this too:

Do not buy the batteries until you are ready to put them to use and have the ability to fully charge them.

Also, it is a good idea to run the wires you need before adding all the insulation and panels and cabinets, rather than after the fact.

Basement Yeti

Hey man, people have been sleeping next to their AGM's for years without issue. It would just be irresponsible to not point out that they can offgass in extreme overcharging situations.

I believe the only real precautions you need to make with them is not putting the charger and inverter in the same box as the batteries.

Ideally Nick would weld up some trays so you could mount them to the frame and not even put them in the cabin. This opens up some space inside, and lowers the CG.

There are other products like this too:

Do not buy the batteries until you are ready to put them to use and have the ability to fully charge them.

Also, it is a good idea to run the wires you need before adding all the insulation and panels and cabinets, rather than after the fact.

Yeah, I dig man, thanks for the concern. I'll definitely hold off on the batteries until I figure out what I want to do. Ideally I just want to run a fridge, a few lights, and a roof vent. If I do set them up before I leave for Texas I will come up your way. I still need to find a roof vent and fridge.

Today Marshmallow got a good cleaning, sanding on all her nasty bits, and a somewhat decent paint job. Ok, it was a crappy paint job. It didn't come out fantastic, it doesn't look professional, and it's a bit uneven. But who cares, it gets the job done, and at least I know the van won't rust out from under me. First time using a rattle can, I finally got the hang of it and was doing a bit better when I ran out of juice.

All plasticed up and one coat on.

I did a second coat even though it wasn't needed, some of the gouges in the wheel well and walls were deep. Like I said, it's uneven and bubbly in a few spots, but meh.

I didn't bother to tape this thing up, I'm getting rid of it.

I need a scraper to get this grip tape crap off, then I will paint some if not all of the floor with another can.

Tomorrow I will get the front roof insulated and the headliner back up.
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