Yetti’s Pacific North West Exploration & Expeditions Picture heavy

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Nov 13, Lima Peru 7am.

So we are still missing 1 passport.

Flight from Lima to US, Nov 13 @ Midnight. So 17ish hours until wheels up.

We all awoke, got dressed and headed downstairs. Grabbed some coffee from Starbucks, and started our walk to the photo & print place. We walk inside and are greeted with a annoyed smile. As we must have interrupted what looked like a juicy bit of drama/chisme. I introduce the group and ask about photo and printing. After the price was relayed which, I don’t remember. 15.50 Soles maybe.

I hot spot my phone, as so the other phones with us can send the emails to the printer. For some reason G mail, decided to boot me out. And would not let me log back in. As they girls start working on getting pictures taken.

Pictures check,

Forms check,

Payment, ohhhh. No cards accepted, ( even though the window has a vis sign) and they don’t do change…. Its exact amount only. We don’t have anything that small. Two group members stay there, I head out to find an ATM. With the plan of getting a 20 soles, and calling the rest a tip. 2 blocks down there is a bank, so I hit two of the ATM’s. And they are out of cash.

Walking back I duck into a store and buy a 1 sole water with a 100 sole bill. The annoyed cashier counts me out the change.

Back to the photo place, hand them the 20 sole, say thanks and walk away.

So that was accomplished! Embassy still not open, and we are starving. So wander around to try and find some breakfast. Everything is closed, back to our apartment. As there is a coffee shop under it that was closed when we left, now open. ( Starbucks had no food items)

Grab some muffins, sit down and have a relaxed breakfast. Now, probably 7:45,

We head back to the Embassy.

I am not sure, if you are familiar with Embassy’s, but they have some very specific rules, are secure places. And must hire local guards for the front. Among many other things. And have a very relatively defensible front from a tactical standpoint.

As we are walking up, I coach the group to be polite, professional, take this seriously, remove sunglasses and hats. Smile for the cameras.

The local guard, 50ft from the front of the building stops us. Asks us who we are, and why we are here. I say special services, or however its spelled out on the kiosks behind him, that has passports labeled. He wands up, tells us to not walk in a group. Smiles and points us on our way.

Something worth noting,

is there is a bus stop a few blocks down that is closed for construction. Red slash, so busses, vans, are dumping their passengers right in front of the building, right outside the initial security/area. Green outline. And a lot of the vans, have the sliding doors tied open. And all the vehicles are honking, moving fast, speeding, bumping each other. So vans are screaming up, doors tied open, people jump out, and the vans take off again with almost never stopping. Now I realize, we are in Lima, and not ….other places, where that alone could get you fired upon… but the guards, and security were tense. I could see two people ( I am assuming marine sniper teams) on the roof of the Embassy who had eyes on this front area the entire time.

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We are the only ones here, but the guard requires us to all one by one, go through the z “fencing” the little retractable people herding lines. We all follow through and end up at the correct window. Now back to English, we explain who we are, although she greeted me by name prior to an introduction. So, they must have been expecting this group? As we had been communicating with someone inside a lot the last few days.

Hand in the paperwork, she starts to organize it all, and says it looks good. The window sticker, and website said credit/bank cards are ok.

Agent “payment please”

Us “hands her a visa”

Agent “sorry, not that kind of visa”

Me “ holds up my bank card visa, and then my capitol one card”

Agent “ sorry those cards wont work, only specific visa cards’

Me “ what kind of card”

Agent “visa, or cash. But it has to be USD and exact” She hands all the documentation back to us and says, “bring cash, and if you get back ASAP. We can probably get a rush on an emergency passport, but there is only 1 person here doing that today. We are running with a skeleton crew”

Us” Thanks, we will try some ATM’s”

We start heading back.

Guard in Spanish “exit through the pathways”, (the z fencing) and he stops each one of us in turn. Making sure 1 person is through, before the next can go.

This area is open and sheltered by some large concrete planters. But no actual fence, or anything like that.

The first banks we hit, the ATM;s wont dispense USD. We found another, close to our apartment, that advertises USD. We get some USD, and head back.

Same guard, same process as above. Wands us, 1x1, with a few more roving guards in this area now. Stand in line, get to the window. All looks good, she says the person who lost their passport can no go through security. After handing a specific slip to then. I ask if the two family members can go in together. Which they instantly denied.

Back through the Z fence, to the 1st guard. Hands him the slip. Explains no watches, phones, jewelry, pockets must be empty, no hats, sunglasses, etc. The roof guards I can plainly see watching us through some binoculars. They are probably just bored, I think.

In the process of emptying pockets and combining all the paperwork we hand my friend the cash. He jams it inside his pocket. The guard wands him again, his pocket beeps. He goes to empty his pocket and all this cash falls to the ground and starts to blow away. They very cash needed to pay for this emergency passport.

Two of us go after the cash.

We are reminded to move slowly. And escorted by a second guard back to the 1st and the third member of our group.

Buss and van traffic has picked up quite a bit now. And many people are shouting, motorcycles end E bikes jumping the curb to get through traffic. Every few mins, a few more loads of people unload and continues down the street.

We are now holding everything for the third member. And the guard’s motion for him to step forward, reminding him to look up, face forward and at the cameras. He chuckles and pretends to cover his eyes and walk forward.

No one laughs, two of us shake our heads, tell him this is not the time for jokes. The guards reverse him. Wand him again, and then allow him to walk forward. We watch as he enters the gates, kill box;s and walkthrough scanners and out of our view…. Its maybe 9: 30 now?

Flights out at midnight.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Nov 13, Lima Peru noon. In front of the US Embassy.

So, we are still missing 1 passport. The third member of our group has disappeared inside the Embassy Complex.

Flight from Lima to US, Nov 13 wheels up @ Midnight. 12 hours away. We also, can’t check in for our flights. Until we all can enter our passport numbers. And were warned, if we put down the old passport number. It has been canceled and would flag in the system as fraud/ an illegal entry attempt. So we were wondering if our seats would be filled without a check in, or if we waited too long.

By this time, our 4th group member had already left Cusco, landed in Lima and was on a flight back to the states.

Turns out, that they don’t really put places to kill time in front of embassies. No bench’s or waiting areas. No shade. In fact, they don’t really want anyone hanging out here.

But, we had no other options. As the third member, would have no way to contact us when let out, and we were not + they would be able to find their way back to our apartment. And if they did, they still would not be able to get in or let us know they were there.

So, we waited, and waited, and for a little change of pace waited again. Leaning on the concrete planters, weeding them. Talking, noticing more security. And a lot of police seemed to be driving past on 20 mins loops. The exterior guards are now in 2-man teams, and patrolling in front of the building, and parking lots. And they all seem to be on their coms a lot. Dispersing any groups who are loitering. And trailing them down the length of the grounds.

They all just smile at the two of us though, so that’s cool! The story must be out about the crazy gringos. I haven’t really spent much time in or around embassy’s but seems like a lot of security to me. Especially since we keep being told, there are only a few people inside. Maybe its normal, and I remind myself that does not include those you can’t see. I have worked with marines before who had an embassy posting, so know a little about that side.

At maybe 14:00, the gates open. And out walks the third member of our group. The guards’ wands him, and then requires him to go back through the z fence. He is not smiling or frowning, we ask him if it was a successful mission?

Him “ guys, I forgot something in my pocket”

Us “ what happened, “

Him “ It was just my ChapStick, but they made me go through the scanner’s again, and then made my put it on”

Us “ so….. passport”

As I am trying to remember if I had seen any flights out of country after ours. But remember them being booked, or just not there.

Him “ holds up a purple passport, that says “ Emergency on it”

I ask everyone to hold tight so we can check in right now. The internet keeps crashing/ our phones had been weird all morning. Not loading things, or just having no service.

Us “ yay, and express thanks excitedly”

Guards “ walk toward us”

Us “ ok, thanks. We are leaving”

All of us are starved, so we make our way back to the apartment. And someone is craving McDonalds, so why not. As we are eating, we get

“hey guys, so I was told something in the embassy”

Us “what? “

Him” well, they said we need to get to the airport early”

Us “why/”

Him “guess the president is coming into Lima right now”

Us “ uh, who’s president and why”

Him “ours and everyone else’s, there is an energy summit. And they are going to shut the roads and airport down. They said that’s why they are short staffed, because everyone will have to be there 24/7 until the president leaves. And to double drive time, and airport time”

Lima Peru, 15:00. 9 hours until wheels up

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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Lima Peru, 15:00. 9 hours until wheels up Nov 13th. Emergency passport sourced,

LIma being shut down so all the EU heads of state could be brought in.
We are next to the United States Embassy, which will all be a secure zone when Marine one lands inside it. But we don’t know when, other than soon/now.

Of course, Thanksgiving is a United States holiday, so not celebrated in Peru. Which means they were in full swing for Christmas. And all the shops were decorating.

This display kept getting more elaborate everytime we passed it.

We act kind of dumbfounded, we had planned for 1 hour drive, 2-hour airport time. And know they will start boarding 30-45 mins prior to take off. Now we need to double it? Time to game plan, it was a midnight flight. So we decided to go back to the apartment, pack. All get last showers, and naps. And leave the apartment around 17:00. I booked an UBER XL ahead of time.

After some not great rest, and repacking. We headed down the elevator with full kit sometime before 1700. The driver was supposed to be 10 mins out. And was early, but what the hell why not.

As we are standing on the curb, and its starting to get dark. We hear the very familiar beating of rotor wings. 2 black unmarked UH-60’s fly above us. Prety low, low enough to see clearly. But clearing the buildings by not much. About every 5 minutes this process repeats. Traffic is getting worse; we have now seen 8 pass above us. They could be a few pairs doing loops, or all separate. I have no idea. Traffic was bad anyway, but when helicopters are going low and slow above, everyone stops and looks up.

Our driver pulled up, and got out, helped grab our gear. As two more flew above us. But there was a deeper sound, and bigger sound somewhere in the distance.

He said, he thought we should get out of there, quickly. We all agreed and asked him to get us to the airport as fast as he could do so.

It took a lot of shuffling, and our driver was nailing it. He never missed a beat,

We eventually got out on the freeway. And were making great time, only 30 mins to go according to the GPS.

Here, in fact a lot of South America, everyone has flashing lights of every color. So when a Motorcycle with read and blue flashing lights pulled up behind us. Our driver did what they all do. Ignore it.

The another pulls up, he ignores it.

Then a truck with red and blue flashing lights pulls up behind him. And a motorcycle moves to the left lane, and waves us over. Our driver smiles, nods, and moves over a few lanes.

As multiple LEO’s pass us and work their way through traffic. We are all watching, our driver does not seem concerned. Now we are being passed by 3 up armored chevy suburban. They are distinctive, and especially in Latin America where you can’t really get a normal version. We all smile and stare as the dark windows pass up. We cant see it, but can hear the beating of rotors somewhere above.

Once they have passed us, our driver does not hesitate. And simply pulls in behind them.

Now, we are following three suburban’s behind the escorts. And there seem to be no police following. Weird…..

We continue this way for maybe 10 mins. And at a toll booth, the chase cars finally catch up. We move over, and they pass us. Everyone stops for the tolls…. including the armored convoy.. Except the suburban’s who get waved through. The police all stop.

The suburban’s keep going, our driver just weaves through traffic and glues himself to their bumper. Our driver is probably late 20’s, and good.

I always thought one of the rules of executive protection, was “don’t loose the package”, and use the diamond or box method. But maybe its different down here…

Eventually all the Leo;s catch up, and split us off the convoy. Everyone still seems happy though. We can see the airports lights, glide path. So are close, and everything comes to a grinding halt…..

Nothing moving, no one getting by. After about 45 mins, “vendors” start coming by and knocking in windows. Our driver rolls ours up and locks the doors. As he had shut the car off when waiting. He was kind of low on fuel. Then we all ignore those trying to sell us whatever. Anytime there is any movement, or an opening. HE takes it, like when traffic moves. When the semi; s needs to start back up and release air brakes. He fills the gaps. We are like this for about another 45 mins.

We make it to the airport and can see the lines out the front doors. And people waiting to be let in.

Our driver parks and helps us unload, stack our gear on a rolling cart. I assure, him and we all thank him for a job well done. And I give him the last soles I have. A 100 sole bill as a tip, which is a lot. That would be like, 400 USD. But we all thought he worked very hard for it and deserved it. I believe if he had not been one of an aggressive drivers. We would have stayed in traffic way longer than the 2 hours we were.

He was very appreciative, and even helped push our cart to bag check.

When showing we had a flight booked, they let us right in the airport. Usually, < 2 hours and they won’t let you in. And a lot of those that were waiting outside the doors had domestic flights.

We had no issues with our check in, although the international terminal, and TSA is not marked it was easy to follow the crowds who looked the part. And minus our passport stamps we were: “out” or Peru. This was probably about an hour.

We now, had many long flights home. Lima-LAX-Denver- and eventually PSC.

My friends dad turned 70 on this trip, and it was a bucket list item. Life is short, and time marches against all of us. There is never a perfect time, to do the things. Its so important to do the things when you can.

Mid Edit : Place saver

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Apologize on the delay,

This was a fun trip, we all enjoyed it.

Its funny how, we go from all the crazy, and uncertainty with the passport, and embassy, to within hours just being back to the “normal”. That is life though, things are good, until they aren’t, and then well. Life just keeps on.

Once it was all said and done, we kept looking and thinking back and being like “wow, well we made it”. The surprises, and challenges are good though. I believe everyone of us on this trip grew, and learned and spent some time with discomfort. As its the only way to grow. As well as the perspective being a valuable tool for all of us in life. Not to mention, some good stories came out of it.

We had some long flights back to the PNW. But they were all relatively uneventful. Delta did some cool things, for my friend’s dad. On one of our flights, the Delta flight staff were thrilled to hear the story. Gifting him a set of “pin wings” as well as a goody bag as we de planed. Which was cool to not only observe but brought a lot of joy to others who participated and saw.

Global entry, again proved worth its weight. I just walked past two cameras with facial rec and was greeted with a welcome home by name. Never even stopped walking.

For the other members of the group, it was about an hour to clear customs at LAX.

We had a little snaffu where the person originally planned to pick us up at the airport could not make it, so we called another. But like most the time, we worked it out.

That pretty much, wraps up the trip report.

Thank you all for those who followed along, I hope this wordy write up helps others, as so many have helped me.

Questions, comments, or concerns?


And some llamas for tax
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the deputy

Well-known member
Boy, things got a little hairy there at the end. Certainly something to keep in mind, while doing international travel. Things are going to wrong from time to time, which happens state side...but when you're in a foreign country...can only imagine how that amplifies the stress or unknown. You call it growing...l call it...why can't anything just go as

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Boy, things got a little hairy there at the end. Certainly something to keep in mind, while doing international travel. Things are going to wrong from time to time, which happens state side...but when you're in a foreign country...can only imagine how that amplifies the stress or unknown. You call it growing...l call it...why can't anything just go as
I think that’s one of the reasons for your “ battle buddy”, people you travel with to have the same op tempo/battle rhythm. Things will always go wrong. And IMHO knowing this, and that’s there is a solution is important. Instead of getting worked up, freaked out and then spiraling. Its all part of the adventure, but I also think the best way to have that mindset, is experience. Don’t let my misadventures color your plans to much. This particular trip had a larger tolerance allowing things to go south.

Thanks for following along.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Last Thursday mum and I flew into Cody, meeting my brother in Denver. As my dad is not doing so well. With the plan to fly out on Sunday. However the Wyoming weather had another plan.

Its unfortunate this is what triggers family to get together. I did not take many pictures but will grab some that others had taken and share them sometime this week. And do a short write up.


It always feels great to be back in Wyoming. And was good to see family we had not seen in quite some time.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Jan 30-Feb 2nd…..well and Feb 3rd

Feb 30th,

2 am alarm, to get to the airport, checked in, etc.

5am flight. It’s a small airport, which is nice. So usually, can get through it pretty fast, and is only about 45 mins from home. Some light winter weather was coming in but caused no issues for us on the way there.

My brother flying in from Reno. Cody is an even smaller airport. So, it was easy to match our flights, and all meet up in Denver for our connecting flight into Cody.

The flights were also a great way for me to catch up on one of my aunts most recent book releases. We have a few writers in the family, however this was for “Axe me no questions” by Paula Charles. Not my normal reads but are fun. And is considered a cozy mystery.

Arrival in Cody,

Word had gotten around that we were coming in, this made it easy to meet everyone at the Irma, and the same room where many years ago, Kp also had his baby shower. Mum and dad worked together in the backcountry of Yellowstone,

Mum was a cook, and dad was a guide. For about 15 years. They have some great stories and were well known. Being featured in a few Western Horseman magazines, on some leaning tree cards; and even making it onto the Wyoming tourism ads of the time. I don’t know much about this time, as I had not been born yet. And they split when I was 1.

Dad in the front,( maybe on Poker Joe?) One of the dogs is Porky. Mum can name every mule, horse and dog in this picture.

It was good to catch up with this side of the family. Mum and I had not seen them in a handful of years, and for kp I think it was 20+yrs. We are an aging family, with only a few of us left to continue the name. Although, that’s not looking great.


We had a pretty tight schedule, and eventually made it into Powell Wy, later that night. The VRBO was nice,

We lived in Powell for a bit when we were younger, and mum was going to school there. It was cool to walk past the old apartment, and through the campus. Various sights triggering memories long since forgotten. Also, it sure seemed bigger when I was 4 or so.

Campus, Powell
Northwest College

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Feb 31, Jan 31

Another early morning. As we were picking up some more family, a sister, and aunt and uncle from Accent ranch. ( and then headed to the Va facility in Sheridan Wyoming. To see dad. About a 3-hour trip: each way over the Bighorns, with good weather. So far weather had been beautiful, but there was eventually going to be some moving in. 32 E, and 14 E.

We had rented a Yukon Denali so everyone would fit and is 4x4. Thing was nice, easy to drive, plenty of power. Massive sunroof, and even the bench and captain’s chairs in the back were heated leather. It did make for an easy 6-hour drive day.


The bighorns as always are stunning, but I think all of Wyoming is. So am biased. The Sheridan VA medical center was way nicer than I expected. As someone who has seen a lot of care facilities, I had low expectations. And they were all blown out of the water, it was well cared for. Well-staffed, the residents seemed to be taken care of, and happy. Well those may sounds like they should be the base standard, they are not common in care facilities.

This was the second time in my life I had spoken to dad, and the 1st time in 25 yrs my brother had seen or spoken to him. But the visit went very well. And everyone was able to catch up, and help him out with his social media, so he can follow see what is going on from afar. Although he does a pretty good job with Facebook, and texting on his own.

It was good to meet his care staff, as well. He was in good spirits and stays mobile with his electric chair. The things is pretty fancy, and he has put 15 miles on it in two months. And enjoys feeding the magpies and chasing the turkeys with it. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to be confined somewhere after a lifetime in the backcountry. It’s a large facility, which helps. And he can go anywhere he wants.

After a few hours, it was time to start the drive back to Powell. It was uneventful. And after another early day, and late night. It was great to crawl into bed.

As, tomorrow we had another early and late day. Heading to Thermopolis.


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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Feb 1

Feb 1

Early alarms, to head to Thermopolis today. We were all stoked to visit our Thermop family. When we were kids we spent a lot of time with them. And have many fond core memories. Mum and Karren worked together in the backcountry, and were are best friends to this day. We aren’t actually related, but my brother and I did not know that until a few years ago.
About 2 hours each way.
The drive, beautiful of course. Uneventful drive, great weather. And a day of laughs, and stories.
We started the drive back to Powell after dark, with an early alarm to fly out of Cody the next day.


Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Feb 2nd, Sunday.

We were scheduled to fly out of Cody. So all the normal. Early alarms, packing, fill up the rental. It’s a very small airport, 1 terminal. And the airstrip is GPS landing only. The radar showed a huge storm was moving in and had been slowly headed our way the last few days. Provided all went well, it would hit Cody a few hours after we were in the air.

Unfortunately, there was a mechanical issue with the incoming plane. So, they were sending another, as well as a mechanic and parts, and flight attendant. The incoming was going to be coming in from Denver. Time crept on, delays persisted, and weather moved in. (see picture, from 1st post with the runway)

We had all, already missed our connecting flights. The replacement plane and crew had been circling for 2 hours overhead. When the decision was made for them to go back to Denver and try again later. As the GPS approach has stricter requirements for landing, and we were out of them.

Only 2 flights a day out of Cody. Since our flight had been pushed back, it did not look great when passengers for the afternoon started arriving. And flight aware had our replacement landing back in Denver. So we pulled up the radar (it’s probably 11am now) and it became clear the storm was not going anywhere, and snow had been piling up.


We decided, if the radar was correct, and we left now. We could do the 7 hour drive to Denver and just stay ahead of the snow. So we rebooked flights the following day out of Denver, found a new rental, and booked rooms for the night. None of us were going to make it back to work on Monday, but. That happens at times, and luckily enough. We are all able to make arrangements or have the freedom with our positions that its not a big deal.

And the drive begins, after about 45 mins. We are out of the snow and watch the storm in our mirrors. As it slowly follows us. We did have some very strong wind though.


We arrived in Denver, after the long drive. And found some great hearty food close to our hotel.
Feb 3rd, Monday. early alarm, rental return, etc

All our flights out of Denver were at 11. The Pre check line, was not any shorter than the standard TSA line. But we all made it through, kept mum from getting lost. And bid adieu as we headed to our respective gates.

With all making it home that evening, uneventfully.


Officious Intermeddler
Wow! Just, wow!

Great writing, felt like a bug on the wall watching it all unfold.

And the S.A. snafus?

“My friends dad turned 70 on this trip.”
(But was only 56 when he left🤣)

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