I have been going non stop, since the begining of the year. And Im not sure how many miles, She has gone a ling time with out needing much its time,
Although recently
Upper Icon Delta Joints ( the previous Icons were non greaseable)
Chasing a Gremlin-
New Fuel Pump, friday, oddly exctaly 8 years after the last one
New Throtle Body second one
New Mass Air Flow sensor second one
New Tac Module. ( Throttle computer) Was stock
New Gas pedal, ( fly by wire) Was stock
Rear dif rebuild- thats been a big pain. The shop thought replacement in kind meant LSD, not the Detroit they took out of it......they are trying to make it right
Rebuild valve body Third one
Even though its been slightly frusterating. Shes been a great truck, and she does not require much often.
Although if they offer a 1 ton electric version like the Hummer Ev, I may be tempted to switch. haha