For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

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because you NEEEEEED people to know youre armed. if you work in gun shop or load ATMs, sure. otherwise theres no mature, emotionally sound reason to go to lunch cocked and locked hanging out of your shirt.

they are grown men desperate for the attention.... desperate.... childishly desperate to show off their toys. i'd bet for one reason or another, they were traumatized and made to feel small and meek in society, and this fills the void.

Whatever you consider them to be, why would you confront someone carrying a deadly weapon openly, assuming it is loaded and assuming that person has had training on how to use that weapon? Given that, why would you even make those assumptions?

I wonder, who is really the childishly-desperate attention-seeker here?

I carry. Sometimes open, sometimes concealed, but never in a situation where it might be inappropriate. In the wilderness, I always consider it appropriate to carry. If you do not, more power to you.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Whatever you consider them to be, why would you confront someone carrying a deadly weapon openly, assuming it is loaded and assuming that person has had training on how to use that weapon? Given that, why would you even make those assumptions?

I wonder, who is really the childishly-desperate attention-seeker here?

I carry. Sometimes open, sometimes concealed, but never in a situation where it might be inappropriate. In the wilderness, I always consider it appropriate to carry. If you do not, more power to you.

I do a double take when I see someone open carrying in town, but I'd definitely never question it. Who knows he could be off his meds and have a chuck Norris complex. But outdoors I'll open carry, people do stare though.


Of course, I agree with the comments on usage, and I'm always nervous when I see someone carrying, open or not. Sometimes I ride with LEO's and those guys I don't worry about :).

Recently I was camped at a popular riding spot outside of Phoenix. There was a horse-riding club that was having an event at the same time, and there were horses, trailers and cowpokes all over the place. Late in the afternoon, a wild horse and her young burro-looking yearling wandered into the camp. They wandered up to the edge of the camping area and the young one started fights with the horses that were tied up. They went back and forth, harassing all the tied-up horses, with the wranglers chasing them away with rocks and shouting. There was a group of campers with paintball guns that jumped in and started shooting the troublemakers with paintballs, then we heard shouts of "shoot-em, they're wild!" and I started getting nervous. Sure enough, some woman wrangler whips out her sidearm and begins shooting at these horses as they were leaving. I don't know if she was aware of the people camping in her field of fire, or of the popular riding trails all around, but it was clear she was just ********-swinging for her friends. I saw it as being an axxhat and think she's damn lucky she didn't injure or kill anybody.


Of course, I agree with the comments on usage, and I'm always nervous when I see someone carrying, open or not. Sometimes I ride with LEO's and those guys I don't worry about :).

Recently I was camped at a popular riding spot outside of Phoenix. There was a horse-riding club that was having an event at the same time, and there were horses, trailers and cowpokes all over the place. Late in the afternoon, a wild horse and her young burro-looking yearling wandered into the camp. They wandered up to the edge of the camping area and the young one started fights with the horses that were tied up. They went back and forth, harassing all the tied-up horses, with the wranglers chasing them away with rocks and shouting. There was a group of campers with paintball guns that jumped in and started shooting the troublemakers with paintballs, then we heard shouts of "shoot-em, they're wild!" and I started getting nervous. Sure enough, some woman wrangler whips out her sidearm and begins shooting at these horses as they were leaving. I don't know if she was aware of the people camping in her field of fire, or of the popular riding trails all around, but it was clear she was just ********-swinging for her friends. I saw it as being an axxhat and think she's damn lucky she didn't injure or kill anybody.

of course a woman with a gun should make you nervous*.

*Thing seemed to be getting a little tense so I thought a sexist joke would be appropriate at this point.


Expedition Leader
Whatever you consider them to be, why would you confront someone carrying a deadly weapon openly, assuming it is loaded and assuming that person has had training on how to use that weapon?

What is he supposed to be, scared that he'll get shot? For what?

You are very well illustrating my opinion on the intent of open carry - its for intimidation not for safety.


Proper - that's the point I'm trying to make. When you encounter someone unknown who is carrying, why would you confront them out about it? It is not illegal - at least in the US. In many settings, it may not be smart, but it is not illegal. In my humble opinion, the proper thing to do is make note of it, and keep track of where/what that person is doing, as well as the best escape route :)

MOguy - when they are shooting like that, yeah, it definitely makes me nervous.


Expedition Leader
There are lots of "legal" things that also make you an ************ when you do them. I reserve the right to confront anyone who is being an ************. What are you going to do, shoot me? Seriously.


There are lots of "legal" things that also make you an ************ when you do them. I reserve the right to confront anyone who is being an ************. What are you going to do, shoot me? Seriously.

You feel open carrying makes someone an ************ and you should confront them about it?


Yes, there are lot's of "legal" things that also make you an ************ doing them, but I would argue that few of them involve a potentially deadly confrontation initiated by an unarmed person trying to make a point.

I am not going to shoot you. I look at a person's demeanor to determine if they are an ************ or not, just being armed does not qualify. But really, my point is that you know absolutely nothing about that person carrying, and if you consider them to be an ************ just for that, and are willing to risk your life to call them out, well, me-being a bystander would find my way to the nearest exit as quickly as possible and whatever happens between you and the armed ************, well, that's your business and I don't want any part of it.
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Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
otherwise theres no mature, emotionally sound reason to go to lunch cocked and locked hanging out of your shirt.
I think we have establish I know squat about firearms. So when I noticed an older man standing in front of me at the bank with a pistol on his hip, the hammer pulled back, I thought I'd simply say, "excuse me sir, I don't know anything about firearms, but is the hammer supposed to be pulled back on your pistol."

His reply, "Yes, it makes it faster for me to shoot you."

Lovely answer. Pretty much summed up the entire exchange and who we both are as people.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Cocked and locked in condition one, that's usually how anyone familiar with a 1911 is going to carry it. Its safer than having a round chambered but the hammer lowered IMO. I've carried a 1911 in condition 3, not chambered or cocked and that is safe as well. LEO's if they carry a 1911 will have it in condition 1, because 2 or 3 aren't allowed. Not in my area anyways.


Expedition Leader
I think we have establish I know squat about firearms. So when I noticed an older man standing in front of me at the bank with a pistol on his hip, the hammer pulled back, I thought I'd simply say, "excuse me sir, I don't know anything about firearms, but is the hammer supposed to be pulled back on your pistol."

His reply, "Yes, it makes it faster for me to shoot you."

Lovely answer. Pretty much summed up the entire exchange and who we both are as people.

Bingo. Open carry mentality.
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