because you NEEEEEED people to know youre armed. if you work in gun shop or load ATMs, sure. otherwise theres no mature, emotionally sound reason to go to lunch cocked and locked hanging out of your shirt.
they are grown men desperate for the attention.... desperate.... childishly desperate to show off their toys. i'd bet for one reason or another, they were traumatized and made to feel small and meek in society, and this fills the void.
Whatever you consider them to be, why would you confront someone carrying a deadly weapon openly, assuming it is loaded and assuming that person has had training on how to use that weapon? Given that, why would you even make those assumptions?
I wonder, who is really the childishly-desperate attention-seeker here?
I carry. Sometimes open, sometimes concealed, but never in a situation where it might be inappropriate. In the wilderness, I always consider it appropriate to carry. If you do not, more power to you.