
Thanks Craig,I get body is wore out, sore all over, and we did not even come CLOSE to your level of work.
Keep up the good fight, but take a mental day or two for yourself. It paid GET DIVIDENDS when we stepped away for a little while. Came back full on!
The amount of work you are putting in is CRAZY! I watched a friend build a composite aircraft, Velocity, and HOLY CRAP! I get it! I know the finish line seems like it is on another planet right now, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. It will be EPIC when you finish!
Thanks ITTOG. It will definitely be nice when I get off this composite work. Hopefully the project will pick up a little speed after that.Amazing work as usual. The end is becoming nearer and then you can move to something else.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆!This is insanity. The ridiculous attention to details magnified by the scale of this project and then basically doin it solo… so amazing man. Love the humaness checks. Not many factor in reality and the toll these projects take. Super cool keeping it real. I have taken on tasks that have crushed me for various reasons. But we kept after it and received the rewards of our labor. There’s an African riddle/proverb that fits these situations. “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Keep chewin man.
Craig,We stopped in to see Vance’s build while on our west trip and HOLLY COW! AMAZING workmanship and attention to detail. We had an AWESOME time visiting with Vance and exploring each others builds. TOP NOTCH, and my hat is way off to the amount of effort he is putting in….ALONE!
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Can not wait to see it finished and meet up on the road!
Keep up the grind, yes I know it sucks at times ….but… will be AWESOME!
Hey DzlToy!Are you painting all of that beautiful carbon fiber?
My personal solution to the failed email notification system is to leave a page open called, "Watched Threads". I opened it from my dashboard/control panel whilst being logged in to the forum. Once a day, I hit the reload/refresh button in my browser and any new post are in bold at the top of that page. It's not as good as actually getting the notification I should get, but it's better than what I was getting, which was zilch.