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  1. gait

    Experience With Preparing ISUZU NPS Camper: Body

    what bummer, its nice when vehicle and house are same volts. Misunderstood (as usual). :-) Parallel two charging sources to battery and the currents add. Lots of alternator amps plus very little solar amps will attempt to charge at the solar regulator set point (typically higher than alternator...
  2. gait

    Experience With Preparing ISUZU NPS Camper: Body

    have you considered providing a by-pass switch for the Redarc so that alternator and solar can supply house batteries in parallel? Output current from alternator is probably much higher than Redarc will carry. Alternator volts may not be sufficiently high for effective charging directly but with...
  3. gait

    fuso 4x4 rebuild

    quite the opposite ... I would have been in deeper poo ...
  4. gait

    fuso 4x4 rebuild

    story from the front-line ...... separate vehicle and house batteries. Vehicle is two NS70 in parallel, 12v. House was two 6v AGM in series for 12v, enough warning signs of failure (loss of capacity). The battery to battery charger failed a couple of weeks ago. Stopped working while I was...
  5. gait

    Drum Brake Adjustment on Canter

    yup, little camera thing = endoscope. If you take a drum off take a photo - I used to remember such things but not any more. :)
  6. gait

    Drum Brake Adjustment on Canter

    I recall having the same confusion and experimented with both ways. Long time ago but I recall having to turn lots for little movement. It was a long way before I got the first pad to bind. Something about becoming easier rings a bell - the thread that's protected inside the head of the piston...
  7. gait

    Saving the middle seat?

    once upon a time ................. and they all lived happily ever after! :) Not a lot to it really. Lost concentration while tired - how many times have I told me that accidents happen when tired! :) We "only" had a km to go. Recovery was two hand chain winches and a bit of road improvement...
  8. gait

    Saving the middle seat?

    patience please! :)
  9. gait

    Saving the middle seat?

    that's ma blog! Owen is correct, the engine hatch under the dual seat is closed, new frame added, old seat squab cut and upholstery fixed, suspension seat and reworked squab re-fitted. Recollection is original seat back is already split so storage behind middle seat preserved. Arms on...
  10. gait

    Single wheel hop on fg

    in my case one loose nut, which caused the first broken stud. And so on. The fracture face of the stud was partially ductile before the catastrophic brittle failure - classic fatigue prior to failure. The bevel seat in the wheel was "worked". The second and third had less working on the seat...
  11. gait

    Use of Memory Clear and Diag Check for ECU Errors instead of MUT/OBD

    ancient English metaphor! :-) :-) could a Mitsubishi ever be a lemon? I obtained the Elm cable from an Aus eBayer. The logisitics of trying to get one from Hong Kong to Lhasa in time were too difficult. Definitely shonky, the software came with Keygen to unlock it. Nearly as shonky as...
  12. gait

    Use of Memory Clear and Diag Check for ECU Errors instead of MUT/OBD

    well that's pee'd on my strawberries! Took a 40 pin BMW to OBDII socket and cut the cable. Three wires. Black to OBDII pins 4 and 5 for vehicle and signal ground. Yellow to pin 7 for K-line (signal from ECU). Red to pin 16 for +ve. Connected yellow to the green wire in Canter (originally only...
  13. gait

    The Turtle Mobile

    Queensland outsourced the engineers so the engineers become people who put stamps on bits of paper instead of providing design advice. Then the institute of engineers hi-jacked the label engineer and one has to be a registered member to use the title and provide professional engineering advice...
  14. gait

    Use of Memory Clear and Diag Check for ECU Errors instead of MUT/OBD

    4988 m isn't 5,000 m is it. :-) :-) I tried inflating the tyres, making little piles of rocks, and putting the gps on the roof, but it just wasn't enough. I climbed a little 13 m hillock to take a photo. :-) :-) Beautiful and stark. Camped at 4,200m so starting engine may be interesting. I...
  15. gait

    Use of Memory Clear and Diag Check for ECU Errors instead of MUT/OBD

    just been up to 4,988 m. About 16,350 ft. Only error message was 32 "Turbo Boost Pressure". Which makes sense. The road in China is sealed and not too steep so third or even fourth gear a lot of the way. Very different to Kirgyzstan which was a track, steep in places, difficult to gather...
  16. gait

    Android OBD2 reader, error code P1335

    at the moment you are getting the raw thoughts as I step my way through it all. I'll hopefully receive a cable in Lhasa, make it work, then I'll write up the concise methodical "how to" - assuming it works of course, I'll know in 2-3 weeks. Quick example is "mode". The bits in the PC/Android...
  17. gait

    Use of Memory Clear and Diag Check for ECU Errors instead of MUT/OBD

    you are reading it correctly Mark. And it just got better. One more piece of the jigsaw. At the bottom of page 13E-16 of the troubleshooting document you provided, and I have same in the manual for my 4D34 engine, is the following description of connecting the MUT tester:- Place the starter...
  18. gait

    Android OBD2 reader, error code P1335

    I'm about two days into having to get serious about OBD whatever. My Canter is 2005 and doesn't really have an OBD2 socket (it has one wire) which I believe I can remedy. Enough excuses though. There are things called PIDs (Parameter Ids). There's the number they have inside the ECUs, and the...
  19. gait

    Use of Memory Clear and Diag Check for ECU Errors instead of MUT/OBD

    I've been doing some reading .... Elm327 (genuine not cloned) looks promising. Its a PIC based protocol converter. OBDII one side, RS232 (USB) t'other side. OBD-II Protocols supported: --ISO15765-4 (CAN) --ISO14230-4 (KWP2000) --ISO9141-2 --J1850 VPW --J1850 PWM K-Line is the ISO14230. Yes...