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    Deal on GPS--Will it work?

    Wow, I am amazed that Garmin figured out how useful the Zumo could be to off-roaders! I also used to use a GPS/laptop combo but it became more of a hinderence than a help. The Zumo has served me really well.
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    Gas Mileage List!!!

    Make: Jeep Model: Cherokee Year: 1997 Engine/Size: 4.0l Transmission: 5-speed Mileage: 176,000 Tire Size: 33" Gearing: 4.10 Weight (approx): 5000lb On highway MPG: 17 In town MPG: 13 Off highway MPG: 9 Fully loaded for a week long camping trip: I deliberately keep external impedementia to a...
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    White Rim Trail beta needed...(11/23 & 11/24 2007)

    For hiking, there is a cool little slot on the downhill side of the road in the unnamed canyon where the Whilhite Trail meets the White Rim Trail. Since you have done both ends you probably have see the big open area that would make a great camp site at Horsethief Bottom. When I did the WRT the...
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    Overland Ready

    I understand completely... a rig built for the rocks isn't quite as appropriate for driving the long, bumpy dirt roads between you and solitude, where your biggest obstacles are going to be mud, deep water or a broken down rig. I can't afford anything to replace my Cherokee now but I am keeping...
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    Overland Ready

    It's good to hear from you again, Robert! How is the conversion from trailer queen to trailer tug... any regrets?
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    Canyon de Chelly, Labor Day weekend

    This fall is out of the question except maybe over Thanksgiving weekend. I seem to remember it already being hot there when we went that April, maybe November would be an ideal time to do it. Lemme know if you make any plans, especially if the trip involves trailside tent camping out of the...
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    Canyon de Chelly, Labor Day weekend

    Alia, I emailed you the track file, hopefully it didn't end up in your spam folder. Of course I remember you, Robert! That was a great trip, one that I would definately like to do again. I probably won't get out to to Canyon de Chelly again for a while, this was my 3rd visit in the past...
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    All you wanted to know about using a Garmin Zumo 550 in a Jeep but were afraid to ask

    WGS84 is all you really need in the USA, do you plan on navigating to foreign lands? I have never used a GPS with a map out of the country... maybe someone else can comment on this. All of the maps Garmin sells should be compatable with WGS84. Viewing coordinates may be a deal killer for you...
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    Canyon de Chelly, Labor Day weekend

    Yes, non-residents (Navajos included) are required to have guides. There is a guard shack at the access road to the canyon that was staffed once out of the 4 times we passed it that day, as well as a threatening sign as you drive in: I don't think guide fees are negotiable, they are set by...
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    Bah, you guys and your beach sunsets. How about a snow sunset! :D I didn't even have to travel to some exotic locale to get that shot. Looking the other direction, the trees have the look of cherry blossoms in winter. That's the Land of Enchantment for 'ya!
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    Artistic Shots- Well thought out, framed (positioned), artistic shots only please.

    I can't say an artistic eye made this shot- I was standing on top of my Jeep getting ready to shoot my buddy's, looked down at my camera and saw this in the LCD. I was merely the button pusher here! White Bark Overlook, at the end of Dusy/Ershim trail. A marathon weekend trip to Moab- in 2...
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    Another new XJ Guy

    Hi Brett, you can't swing a dead cat around the Jeep section of this place without hitting a NAXJA guy!
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    Which Gps? Garmin 60csx, Delorme Earthmate, others??

    Garmin Mapsource already has Google Earth capability. If you don't see the option in your "view" menu than you need to get the latest Mapsource update. It is available for free here: While you are there you may as well see if there is...
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    Canyon de Chelly, Labor Day weekend

    After what ended up being a 5 hour exploration of Canyon de Chelly, Taz and I dropped off our guide for a 1 hour break and lunch back at camp. Chuck and Teresa drove by just as we were parting with Kathy so we hooked up easily for the second half of the tour. Chuck's big red Dodge added some...
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    Canyon de Chelly, Labor Day weekend

    If you lived in Canyon de Chelly like a few Navajo families do, this would be your commute: Wildflowers are your constant company.
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    Canyon de Chelly, Labor Day weekend

    Hi Chuck, it was great to meet you and Teresa! The best I can do to make up for you missing the first half of the tour up Canyon de Chelly is to show what you missed soooo... The lower canyon walls were a beautiful backdrop for Taz's still clean Rubicon. Scott and Kathy, our Navajo guide...
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    Which Gps? Garmin 60csx, Delorme Earthmate, others??

    I've got a 60Cx but I like my Zumo muuuuch better for the same uses you want it for. You can run Topo and City Navigator on the GPSMAP 60 series, but switching between the two is a cumbesome process of scrolling through a list of hundreds of maps and unchecking the one City Navigator map of the...
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    Random shots

    Nice photo! Did you add some lighting of your own? Did you stay out long enough to watch the lunar eclipse? We saw the beginning but the clouds finished it. It sure got dark!
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    All you wanted to know about using a Garmin Zumo 550 in a Jeep but were afraid to ask

    Yes, Zumo does screenshots and saves them as .bmp to the memory card. I converted them to .gif so they would load faster. Check out the Mapsource Map Viewer on Garmin's website: You can see what it has without buying it. It is not...
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    All you wanted to know about using a Garmin Zumo 550 in a Jeep but were afraid to ask

    A road route generated by City Navigator or Topo 24k will remain displayed on the map if you switch to one of the other map programs as long as you have auto route recaculation disabled. Otherwise if you stray a few feet from the highlighted route Zumo tries to recalculate and can't so you get...