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  1. 01tundra

    Tundra Frame Rust?

    So that explains it............ :sombrero:
  2. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    I'm adding a few more supports to them and they should be all good.......I had to beat on the passenger side slider with a sledge hammer for about 30 minutes last night so the back door would open again.......:)
  3. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    They did awesome until I put a 4" long gash in one of them :(! I'm going to have it vulcanized so it will still serve as a spare for off-road purposes.
  4. 01tundra

    Tacoma vs Tundra for International overland travel

    Yeah....what he ^ said :)! I'm running one as well, but in the (18,000# GWV) flavor - Oh yeah.....and I'm gonna have to vote "Tundra" as well, although I've been in the mood for a...
  5. 01tundra

    Sweet Hiluxes in "District 9"

    Yep, no solid axle there......
  6. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    Fall Crawl, Harlan, KY = cut sidewall, grenaded locking hub, beat up mirror, shot spring bushings, shot shock eyelet bearings, bent slider, more dents, less paint, lots of mud to clean off...............good times :D!
  7. 01tundra

    Washer reservoir relocation

    I've done something similar......but different -
  8. 01tundra

    For Sale - Custom Built Trailer with RTT

    Wish you lived a little closer, I'd love to have that trailer!
  9. 01tundra

    KM2 Review

    Wish I could tell ya.......hopefully we'll get some of the white stuff this year :)!
  10. 01tundra

    KM2 Review

    Just took my 37's off and went to 40's. As with the 37's, the 40's are smooth at 75MPH on the interstate with no balancing, quiet, and perform great on & off road. These are the best dual-purpose tire on the market IMO. They are so much better than the Kevlar MT/R's is every single aspect.
  11. 01tundra

    Greg and Pattis Tundra

    Congrats - we love our '08 (and our '01). Nice house too, wish I could pick ours up and drop it out there :)!
  12. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    On the interstate running 70 MPH I was at around 16 MPG. It actually rides a lot better with the 40's, think it's the added sidewall height.
  13. 01tundra

    Crawler Gear Test

    Cool rig....gotta love those unique SAS'd vehicles :)!
  14. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    The pipe is 3" Sch. 40 PVC. I have to double check the reducer, but I believe it was a 3"x2". I bolted a 4" Sch. 10 cap down to the fender well for the reservoir to sit in to keep the bottom from moving. Hindsight, I suppose I could have cut a 4" hole in the fender well (there's a hole almost...
  15. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    It holds this much (not exactly sure how much it measures out to be though) :) -
  16. 01tundra

    Lightforce Striker 170 Halogen Lights

    Sold, thanks.
  17. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    40's just arrived so it's going to be a late night for me tonight :D. Installed 5.13's last Friday and also did a few very small mods to help clear them - Had to lose the windshield washer reservoir that came factory in the passenger side wheel well. I already reduced the original size years...
  18. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    She's getting better every time I let her drive, I think chicks can keep a level head a little better.......where if I don't make an obstacle on the first few tries with finesse......I ask everyone to step to the side and mat it till it either makes it or something flies apart :P! Here Andrea...