Search results

  1. 01tundra

    What winch line should I get?

    I just installed a new 5/16" x 100' Master Pull XD rope on my Warn 9.5xp last night, can't wait to try it maybe I can :)! With that braided cover it doesn't even feel like a rope, by appearance & feel alone I'd say it's pretty tough stuff.......but if anybody can tear up nice...
  2. 01tundra

    Winch Fairlead Poll

    I'm now running a Master Pull fairlead & rope.......
  3. 01tundra

    Duals for expo?

    Used to.....but now I run a 4-speed Atlas.
  4. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    To Rocks & Valleys? I wish I was, but funds are a little tight at the moment unfortunately. We hope to make it up there sometime this year though.
  5. 01tundra

    Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra

    Outback Park (Butler, PA) was a really cool OHV area, very tight trails though. If it wouldn't have been so muddy, it would have been a blast being able to actually pick lines and try different obstacles. Seemed like a lot of trails of varying difficulty.
  6. 01tundra

    Wildlife Photography

    Here's a flying squirrel that I trapped in my attic over the weekend and relocated to the end of our road, once it walked out of the trap it "flew" over to a downed limb about 5' from me and started eating snow, guess it was thirsty. I'm not sure, but I think he may have flipped me off right...
  7. 01tundra

    Hook, shackle or thimble

    There's nothing really "wrong" with any of the three, I've seen a lot of people using the exact same technique you're using and I would say it probably offers the most flexibility. I've just got used to using a shackle and it's comfortable for me personally, my rig's big and heavy and I feel...
  8. 01tundra

    Hook, shackle or thimble

    Same here. And a lot of the "safety" hooks end up having such a small opening, due to their safety latch, that they wont properly fit over a tree you end up having to use the hook without the safety latch engaged.
  9. 01tundra

    WabFab Off-Road Slider Adapter for Hi-Lift Jacks

    Couldn't agree more, I've used mine on many occasions and can't imagine going back to using the factory style Hi-Lift jack. Since my truck has tube bumpers and sliders, it's a no-brainer for me.........
  10. 01tundra

    Hook, shackle or thimble

    Thinks it's really personal preference. I've used both hooks and shackles and prefer shackles. As long as the hook is large enough to accommodate various size tree saver diameters they are fine, I just prefer the flexibility and security of a shackle for some reason.........
  11. 01tundra

    Optima or Odyssey?

    I took my primary battery (Optima blue top / deep cycle) out of my ski boat prior to selling it and put it in the Tundra, so it was in the boat starting the spring of '05 and has been in the Tundra since '06. It's been completely drained at least five times over the years from accidentally...
  12. 01tundra

    Dual Battery System Management Recommendations?

    FYI - My National Luna's over-ride for "both" operation is timed automatically to terminate in 5 minutes if the user does not manually terminate before the 5 minutes is up. Taken directly from NL's manual - "When active, the “TIMER OVER-RIDE” light will flash and will remain active...
  13. 01tundra

    Using a ARB Compact On Board Air System to fill tires?

    I actually just reused my original ARB harness, I will have to take a look, but if I were to run my own I would probably use 12 ga......but I tend to over build stuff too :)!
  14. 01tundra

    Using a ARB Compact On Board Air System to fill tires?

    I also have my Powertank plumbed into my locker air system to serve as a back-up, so that helps me justify it a little I suppose......... I would love to have something similar to a York system, but I'm out of space under the hood and the alternatives are pretty pricey as well.
  15. 01tundra

    Powdercoat or rattle can?

    I vote for rattle can......since that's what a majority of my truck is now painted with. Quick, easy, & inexpensive to touch-up. Suppose it really depends on how you are using your rig too, mine gets beat up regularly, so powder coating isn't a viable option for me. When I originally did my...
  16. 01tundra

    Using a ARB Compact On Board Air System to fill tires?

    ^ this is what I'm currently running. My old ARB compressor would slowly (very) fill tires, not a chance with the compact though.
  17. 01tundra

    Fab Shops in Orange County California?

    Not sure if Fullerton is close to you, but I do know that Off Road Evolution does excellent work and can build anything you want, ask for Mel if you drop by.
  18. 01tundra

    Rear Locker or MaxTrax?

    Yeah, same thought here ^. Locker(s) + winch is an ideal solution IMO.
  19. 01tundra

    What winch line should I get?

    I just ordered a new Master Pull XD rope (5/16" x 100') today to replace my Viking 3/8" x 100' rope. The MP price was a little hard to swallow, but their 5/16" rope is rated a lot higher than Viking's 3/8" rope. My Warn 9.5xp came with a 5/16" x 100' cable, so the Viking is a little too tight...
  20. 01tundra

    Vehicle Fire Extinguisher?

    I carry a 2.5# halon & 5# ABC inside the cab and a 2.5# ABC in the bed, no room for anything else at this point......