Search results

  1. Kevin108

    treadwright guard dogs

    I've always had good luck with them, but I always called and got matched casings, either Goodyear or Michelin. Now they cover over the sidewalls as well, fully branding the tire, and you don't know what casing a given tire has. That said, I will definitely still buy from them.
  2. Kevin108

    RTT on a DD

    This is my first year with one. I keep planning to take mine off for winter, but brutal cold hasn't set in yet and we've continued camping, so it's still up there. Not having a good place to store it is also a factor. It could go in the garage one way or another, but things are really tight...
  3. Kevin108

    10 bolt or 14 bolt

    Where are you located? I have a 14-bolt FF I need some motivation to dig out of the weeds and sell. :coffee:
  4. Kevin108

    Overland XJ Build. Not my first Rodeo.....(video included)

    Yes. Thanks, autocorrect.
  5. Kevin108

    Overland XJ Build. Not my first Rodeo.....(video included)

    You've got a classic! It's great to know they hold up that long. It's a major purchase that's hard to justify, but amortized over 20 years, the cost is negligible. It might be worth it to seal the seams before treating the rest of the tent. I've had great results with Seam Grab on cheap ground...
  6. Kevin108

    Overland XJ Build. Not my first Rodeo.....(video included)

    Are you sure it was penetrating moisture and not just condensation?
  7. Kevin108

    Overland XJ Build. Not my first Rodeo.....(video included)

    Can you close your tent with the rainfly on? Mine looks to be the same design, but I've never tried it. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  8. Kevin108

    LED Back Up Light Opinions

    I'm really happy with them. Even put a second set up front that comes on with my light bar. 180° forward visibility is nice!
  9. Kevin108

    How to Modify Vehicle Wiring - Starting with the DO NOTs

    I used a standard 110v/25w with a cheap 100w inverter.
  10. Kevin108

    How to Modify Vehicle Wiring - Starting with the DO NOTs

    I'm a guy who keeps a soldering iron and shrink wrap in my vehicle's toolbox. The only thing better than solder and shrink wrap is to run a full wire. I agree on most of the OP's assertations, but updated them with my own findings. 1. Quick Splice Connectors - They aren't UV stable or...
  11. Kevin108

    How Much Longer Until Diesel Is Phased Out?

    Big diesel trucks have delivered virtually everything you own. That alone is why diesel isn't going away anytime soon.
  12. Kevin108

    Poll- Do you actually sleep inside?

    I have a bunch of ground tents but out on the trail it's not always possible to find a level, smooth spot. I slept inside my Jeep Cherokee a number of times. It was always comfortable and enjoyable but taking all my tools and gear out to setup the sleeping space was a pain. I've since bought...
  13. Kevin108

    LED Back Up Light Opinions

    $34 for these flush mounts. Installed in the rear wings on my FJ Cruiser Stock reverse lights / stock plus LEDs
  14. Kevin108

    Why we buy Toyotas

    I'm a person that usually keeps to himself, but you've made me realize I've always had stand-out vehicles, with one exception. I bought a new white Corolla in 05 and drove it for 3 years. It was the kind of car that you had to make sure you put your key in the right one when you came out of a...
  15. Kevin108

    Autohome Magnolia Extreme for sale $1600

    If this had hit in September, I'd have been all over it! (I'm in Portsmouth.) Seeing one of these was what made me want a RTT in the first place. Good luck with the sale!
  16. Kevin108

    Post up your drawer/storage system

    I don't really agree, but everything I did below was as a career carpenter. This isn't my expo build, but my work van. I built it in 2006 and handed it off to a coworker last year. It's been in the weather every day and held up great. Plywood is just standard BC 3/4" from Lowes. Everything...
  17. Kevin108

    Mustang as an overlander?

    Needing ball joints doesn't really make it a fixer-upper... If you thought overlanding was expensive, just wait until you try racing. :yikes:
  18. Kevin108

    Mustang as an overlander?

    Blue book is $1,400 to $1,700. That's plenty to pick up an XJ that needs a little work.
  19. Kevin108

    Overland XJ Build. Not my first Rodeo.....(video included)

    Dropping the tank is easy. Undo the shield for the filler neck, undo the hose clamp there, undo the connector for the fuel pump wiring, and undo the nuts on the J-bolts securing the two straps under the tank. This is also the time to consider placement of anchors for your eventual sleeping platform.
  20. Kevin108

    Overland XJ Build. Not my first Rodeo.....(video included)

    Are you still planning an interior sleeping platform since you've gotten the RTT?