Search results

  1. J

    2000 miles of nervous nirvana....

    To bad your not closer to Golden CO, I'd offer to let you borrow my Bantam trailer and mil-spec fridge freezer. ;)
  2. J

    EMP jeep

    Options.... Wasn't this EMP resistant?? ;)
  3. J

    ARB bumper light question...

    Cool.... I'll see if I can get ahead on sleep and maybe try messing with them this week before the auto show. :)
  4. J

    ARB bumper light question...

    I'm pretty sure they only have two but I'll double tap to make sure. If it needs three, could I wire in LED style ones instead?
  5. J

    ARB bumper light question...

    I have an ARB bumper that was originally for a TJ on my Scrambler. While I like the design and how it is now mounted, it makes the parking/turn signals pretty much useless so I have a question. Does anyone know if the marker lights built into the ARB can be made to function as blinkers? Any...
  6. J

    Jake's XJ build.

    I think I said it before but you keep reinforcing my opinion... She Wheels, She camps, She COOKS well.. That one is grade "A" marriage material... ;) And tell your buddy not to stress to much about heading to Basic training. Its a long way from what it used to be when I came in. :)
  7. J

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    Gotta pay to play brotha! ;) Besides... its much cheaper to build this than a new one. Honest!
  8. J

    EMP jeep

    Build a chariot and have the zombies pull you around...! ;)
  9. J

    Jeep Cherokee XJ HD Bumper $200 - Denver / Reading PA area 17578

    Stupid question but that's a front bumper, right? ;)
  10. J

    LJ Sleeping Setups (not RTTs)

    Fixed for clarity... ;)
  11. J

    *SOLD* WHYNTER 85q Fridge / Freezer -

    It is the bigger one. If you look in his 6th (?) oic you can see it is pretty big compared to the winch in the back ground. Plus the smaller ones only get one lid latch while the larger ones get two. :)
  12. J

    Let's see your LJ's!

    Tell me you have a build thread...or at least a HUGE pile of pics showing how you built the thing. :) I love how it slides back then both sides "T" off outward to allow more stuff to slide and become accessible. Way cool! Build thread...Build thread...Build thread...
  13. J

    *SOLD* WHYNTER 85q Fridge / Freezer -

    Crazy how big the mark up is via Sears. I have had zero issues with my fridge so someone will be happy with it. GLWS!
  14. J

    Let's see your LJ's!

    Holy mother of all Transformers!!!!!!!! That's freakin' sick! Wonder if I could do something similar in my Scrambler...
  15. J

    *SOLD* WHYNTER 85q Fridge / Freezer -

    Looks like a clone to my Edgestar... ;)
  16. J

    Crazy winch deal

    There back.. Well, Guess someone got wise because it says one in stock but it SURE isn't cheap anymore! 1206 bucks and change! Yikes!
  17. J

    Long Jeep.....chasing unicorns

    hahahaha... Just had to quote this: "I have seen a few YJs with TJ tops but I don't really want to have to worry about the headache of the mis-matched parts. " Guess the Willys doesn't count? heehee!
  18. J

    1999 Jeep Wrangler 2.2L Kubota diesel swap

    I vot you just label it "Go daddy...GO!" ;)
  19. J

    Hey, Looking for a little MOD help please. I screwed up and posted an item for sale in the...

    Hey, Looking for a little MOD help please. I screwed up and posted an item for sale in the vehicle parts section instead of the expedition equipment. Could one of you mod folks please move it for me. :) Thanks! Ted
  20. J

    1999 Jeep Wrangler 2.2L Kubota diesel swap

    Amazingly quiet little guy. Beautiful scenery too!