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  1. Ron B

    Best GPS

    I forgot about the polarized glasses issue with lcd's. I imagine some gps units would also have this issue?
  2. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    I won't be able to do anything like this until next spring/summer. I have too much to do to my truck to get ready and no time to do it in! I leave for a job in NY in 5 weeks.
  3. Ron B

    Hummer Picture Thread

    love this picture!
  4. Ron B

    RAM X mount

    nice set up -- I was resistant to doing the ipad route, but the more I look into it the more I like it. Love to see a video of your truck on a bumpy road and how that set-up handles mild to serious vibration.
  5. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    my time is limited as well -- work and my boy take every spare day it seems. But this is something I always wanted to do. I need to fab a rack and put a rtt over the bed like Oilworker did to his d-130 (on portals) We all have different tire sizes/lifts which is funny. At least we all have...
  6. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    we are both in the Burbank, CA area. Looks like a 8k mi round trip from here...crazy long. Will nee air tanker to re-fuel while driving -- sponsors will be a good idea :).
  7. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    $100k eh...maybe we should stick to Europe? I hear all the roads are wide there! Yes...some serious exploration is indeed needed. I still think a shakedown run to Prudhoe Bay is in order but the outback sounds great!
  8. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    I like your '92 better than the '99 I assumed it was. As I mentioned he early trucks are great for their simplicity. I though they all had torsen high bias diffs from the beginning (military/civy trucks to '98)?
  9. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    I was being facetious...people have the crazy impression that it is a bling ride. It is certainly a tractor when compared to what most people think they will be like (Escalade). Only wheeled in a mog once, loved it -- it didn't seem as different from my truck as I thought it would.
  10. Ron B

    RAM X mount

    what kind of case are you using on your ipad?
  11. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    Absolutely right. The epic fail videos you see on line with struggling h1's are usually struggling inexperienced drivers who can't btm. Btm'ing puts a lot of stress on the drivetrain, but knowing how to do it properly will get you pretty much anywhere. The '99 you had (I assume the "89 was...
  12. Ron B

    Best GPS

    Nice! I will have to check one out with the weather-proof cover on it and see if I can find a spot to mount it that I like (the hummer being so wide might give me some good options without blocking view/other goodies. I am in the midst of some mods to my int now and could possibly fab some...
  13. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    Eric/Redrover is funny! He owns several h1's and rebuilds and modifies his own stuff. He drives them all over the place and usually ends up saving someone's bacon along the way. He did mention mpg...which happens to be on par with other 4x4's btw (12 to 15). Not too shabby for a brick shaped...
  14. Ron B

    Best GPS

    I am intrigued by this -- and will do more research. I do not have an ipad (yes I am the only one) so I will have to barrow one and see approx how much realestate it will take up with the case.
  15. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    imho they are closer to a tractor than a truck so they are not for everyone. They are pretty wide and look massive, but aren't as big as most think. Here's a picture I have posted before, it's a nice comparison of an h1 next to an h3. I was also surprised that my passat was longer! You can...
  16. Ron B

    H1 Hummer Wagons

    Containerized -- you just don't get it. That's why we travel in big groups so while others are sleeping we can steal parts we need off the other trucks! :) You are correct in assuming it would be a bit more of a nuisance than a Toyota in most places, but carrying critical spares is a...
  17. Ron B

    Best GPS

    I never doubted the ability of the ipad, just it's durability, viewing it, and how to mount it with the protection on. Thanks for the info, I will read your blog!
  18. Ron B

    Best GPS

    I have heard this too -- I hear it's a great product but what you see is what you help or upgrading.
  19. Ron B

    Best GPS

    I was originally interested in the ipad, but I am not so sure it would be the best solution for my truck -- a lot of vibration, dust, occasional water (if I can't get the top on fast enough). Not sure how the touch screen will handle very dusty environments or if the screen will be viewable on...
  20. Ron B

    Best GPS

    an old topic for sure...but my 276c has been giving me issues and is a bit long in the are my old-fart eyes, I want a bigger screen! I was wondering if anyone has experience with/uses the Lowrance baja units? Looks like their latest version is the Elite-5m Baja...