Search results

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    2004.5 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 Diesel

    Moved to vehicles for sale. Mods please delete.
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    Prescription glasses found on Log Corral trail in southern AZ

    I found a pair of prescription eye glasses at the summit of Log Corral trail yesterday. They were on the ground directly across from the corral. Let me know if you lost them!
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    So I came home from visiting my Mom today and this is what greeted me when I went out to the garage: CLIFFORD!!!! :eek: Full story on my build thread, post 553:
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    Post Pic's of your Jeep

    From our trip to Utah in September. Lockhart Basin: Golden Spike: Steel Bender: Kane Creek Canyon:
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Well, Clifford is running sooooo much better now! We went to Utah the last week of September, right after George pulled the corncob out of his butt. Being the loyal dog that he is, Clifford did great the whole trip, and then literally, when we pulled into our garage at home the temperature...
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    Oct 27 - 28, 2012: Swansea, AZ

    We set up camp at a site next to the wash where Railroad Canyon Trail starts. After we pitched tents and everybody ate, we sat around the campfire visiting until bedtime. The weather was AWESOME! What a view! And there was a full moon: In the morning we took our time having coffee...
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    Oct 27 - 28, 2012: Swansea, AZ

    The group met in Wickenburg, AZ on Saturday morning and headed west on US 60 to Salome. In Salome we wove through town to Tank Pass Road, which was a little tricky to find, and where we stopped to air down. This was the 1st time I learned how to create a route on my Garmin Montana, and it worked...
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    Lockhart Basin & Moab Trails ORP Trip Report & Pictures

    Thanks for the heads-up. I took the link out of the picture.
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    Lockhart Basin & Moab Trails ORP Trip Report & Pictures

    I just added Day 3 - The Trifecta (Poison Spider Mesa, Golden Spike, Gold Bar Rim Trails) to my trip report. Click the link if you'd like to see all the pictures and video, the update begins on page 3 of the tread, post #30...
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    Lockhart Basin & Moab Trails ORP Trip Report & Pictures

    We just returned from Moab this last weekend. I started writing a trip report and there's already a bunch of pictures posted from the trip. Link back to the report & pics if you want by clicking here. I'll update this thread as I add to the report - one day in Moab at a time...
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    The bumper on Clifford is integrated with the entire exo cage; it's not a pre-fabbed model. But if we were to go the pre-fab route, we'd choose one where the winch mount is lower. A friend of ours has ORFab, the winch is lowered and it seems to work great. Diane
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Clifford got a new exhaust manifold, catalytic converter & exhaust, as well as losing a little weight in preparation for next week's trip to Utah, Check it out if you want, by clicking here to be redirected to the build thread. New stuff in posts 455 & 461...
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    You guys are not going to believe this: It was the radiator! Yep, you heard that right; it was the radiator. When I bought the XJ it had a Radiator Barn 3 row radiator that was made of copper/brass, then we upgraded to a Champion all aluminum 3 row radiator thinking it would solve the...
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Hey 88xj, just saw your post, relaying to THE MAN (George), thank you! We got the head back from the machine shop today and managed to get it installed. I posted an update to my build thread if you want to check it out, it's post 403...
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Running hot conditions continued this spring, with Clifford reaching the 252* mark on the way home from Red Creek in May. George decided it was time for the last ditch effort of pulling the head and having it checked, and did a bunch of other work while the engine is drained. I updated the...
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    Agua Caliente Exploration April 21 - 22, 2012

    We lead a large group through the Agua Caliente area last weekend to see all the historical sites. Camped one night out there. Check out everybody's pictures and trip report if you want, just click the 1st picture. See Ya! Diane
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    Dripping Springs Canyon Trail Near the El Camino del Diablo

    We went on an exploratory trip down by the Devil's Highway over the weekend. We did a new to us trail through Dripping Springs Canyon which basically goes from Fortuna Mine to Wellton. Here's a few pictures from the trip; click the first one to link back to my trip report and all the pictures...
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    Bradshaw Trail SoCal January 2012

    Last weekend we went to SoCal to run the Bradshaw Trail and explore the surrounding areas. Click the 1st picture if you want to link back to the trip report and all the pictures. That area is so rich with history and there are so many trails, there's no way we could see it all in one...
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    Thanksgving at Parker Canyon Lake and Coronado Cave

    We held our annual tradional, un-traditional Thanksgiving this year at Parker Canyon Lake in the Rock Bluff Group Site. On Friday the group went exploring in the area where we visited the ghost town of Sunnydale and nearby grave yard, and then it was on to Montezuma Pass and Coronado Cave. If...
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Update on Clifford: Now that cooler weather is here, the Jeep doesn't overheat, although it still heats up to about the 3/4 mark on long grades. We took him to southern Utah for the Hole-in-the-Rock Trail, and on the way home that long climb into Flagstaff from the north on Hwy 89 he got to 3/4...