They performed awesome on the rocks, really stuck to the rocks like no other. There was some chunking, though. They chunked badly on the outsides, sometimes the whole lug chunked off! We're writing to Firestone about it to see what they say. So far can't connect unless going through the...
I updated my build thread with pictures of Clifford from our Canyonland Needles District and Moab trip last week. The new pics are on posts 155 & 156, click the 1st picture here to link to the thread:
I'm extremely happy with the performance of the vehicle! d :chef:
Looks like you guys went out the day we left for Needles. We hit snow going north on the Beeline before we even got to Sunflower Mine turn-off, and continued to see it almost all the way to Mexican Water! Kind of an unusual sight for us Zonies - in April no less! diane :Wow1:
We went to the Needles District of the Canyonlands and then to Moab to run trails April 9 through 16. What a fun trip we had! I've completed my Trip Report and folks have posted their pictures in the tread. Check it out if you want by clicking the 1st Picture here. Here are some samples.
A friend of mine got some great pictures of Clifford at Log Corral yesterday so I posted a bunch of them on my build thread. All photos courtesy of MaddogJeeper. Here's a sample; click the 1st Photo if you want to open my build thread (post 151):
These are great shots of the new fenders...
I enjoyed reading your report as Big Bend is on our radar. I don't understand why you had to visit the BBSP Headquarters everyday for back country permit. Wouldn't they give you all your permits for the trip the day you arrived? Seems like getting to the office everyday before a certain time...
We just got back from leading a trip to explore some trails near The El Camino del Diablo. Click the 1st picture if you want to link to our picture thread.
Enjoy! d
On the way to the Mojave Road a few of us did some sight-seeing and exploration in California. Click the picture to link to our picture thread and trip report
Enjoy! d
We just returned from an excellent adventure across the Mojave Road. We went from near Bakersfield, CA to Laughlin, AZ following the historic route. Click this picture to see everyones pictures and my trip report which begins at post #15:
enjoy! d :costumed-smiley-007
Oh the trials and tribulations of Jeep Fabrication! I finally got around to writing about the new header installation on Clifford, and you can link to my build thread and read all about it by clicking the picture, the fun starts on post # 133.
Enjoy! d :costumed-smiley-007
We had our 1st big adventure of the year a couple weeks ago in SOCAL. We met up with 'BorregoWrangler' and some folks from to run trails out there. Check out our pictures and trip report thread by clicking the first picture:
d :sombrero:
Adding to 1st Post: Here's a link to our Spot Adventures where you can see our tracks:
Maze Overlook & Dollhouse Spot Adventure
The White Cliffs Road we took out of Hite (It bears mentioning that this track is shown with start & end points swapped, but as I mention in the description, I'm too...
Wow, it must've been hot then! We did the Hole in the Rock road in Sept. last year and it was HOT then, can't imagine it in July, not to mention the Maze.
You also stood on the same rock to take the picture as I did!!!
Thanks for sharing!! d :sombrero:
I updated my build thread based on findings from our latest wind-and-rain-filled adventure! The new info is at post 114: click the picture to link to it:
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