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  1. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Finally got into the drivetrain last week, check out the latest installments of my build thread. Click the pic for link, the latest updates begin on post #40: It won't be long now before I can drive him! d :rolleyes:
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    XJ netbook mount

    Great idea & write-up! Let us know how it does on the trail. d :)
  3. N

    El Camino del Diablo AKA The Devil's Highway

    ORP is open to all makes/models offroad vehicles. d
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Armor coat.
  5. N

    El Camino del Diablo AKA The Devil's Highway

    Usually the Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge, which is located at the eastern end of the Devil's Highway, closes every year from March 15 through September in respect of the Sonoran Pronghorn Antelope fawning season. I noticed that this year they have post-poned the closing date to April 15th...
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    El Camino del Diablo AKA The Devil's Highway

    I saw your entry into the sign-in book at the casita. Don't remember which date you were there, but I saw that you were. d :)
  7. N

    El Camino del Diablo AKA The Devil's Highway

    We just returned from our 4th Annual trip to the El Camino del Diablo. This time we led 8 vehicles through over 3 days. Click the 1st picture to go to the picture thread and trip report: Enjoy! GnD :sombrero::REOutCampFire03:
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    You hit the nail right on the head. There's not enough room on the inside to put such a cage, not to mention, if you do go over, you minimize the damage to the vehicle. Good question, though.
  9. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Project Clifford the XOXJ continues on post number 38. Link by clicking the picture: When Mama's happy, everybody's happy. d :wings:
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    More work on Clifford to report. Click the pic to go to the build thread; updates begin on post #29. Enjoy! d
  11. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    1) Done. Used Goop Adhesive & Rivets. 2) Tried that. There was no way to hold the threaded piece behind the door skin; too much crap to get my hand inside there. If this fails I'll do another door-skin patch with the factory part. Good observation. George :cool:
  12. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    It's official - I've named my XJ Clifford. The build saga continues! Click the picture to see the latest updates to the build thread, which begin at post # 24: I'm glad George is doing all this. d :chef:
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    Joshua Tree National Park and Surrounding BLM

    Yes, that is our obligatory group shot with a Joshua Tree. :sombrero:
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    Joshua Tree National Park and Surrounding BLM

    We just got back from another adventure. This time we travelled to California to the Joshua Tree National Park, where we camped and did the trails for 2 days. Then some of us stayed an extra day to check out the BLM land to the north of the park and the old mines there. Click the 1st picture to...
  15. N

    2 Door XJ Seats in 4 Door? TJ Seats?

    Has anyone ever swapped 2 Door XJ seats into a 4 Door? Has anyone ever swapped TJ seats into an XJ? Trying to get seats that fold forward and thinking of going either of these routes. I'm also in need of some seats, depending on the answers I get to these questions! d :smiley_drive:
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    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    And the beat goes on. Click the pic to go to updates to the build thread, which begin on post 22. d :wings:
  17. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Fresh stuff - click the picture to go to the build thread. Update starts on page 20. GnD :costumed-smiley-007:sombrero:
  18. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Updated the build thread, click this picture to go to it. Update begins on post #17. d :coffeedrink:
  19. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Got some stuff done today on the Jeep. Click the picture to go to the build thread, updates begin on post 13: Enjoy! d
  20. N

    dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

    Here you go: The bumper is built in to the Exo Cage. The plates stretch way back for reinforcement, especially the steering gear box. d