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  1. J

    98 Monty. New to the scene. My build story.

    When they go completely they do this And the worst part about them doing that is the constant squeaking every time you go over anything remotely resembling a bump in the road. Also means you've to lift the door to close it,and it wears out the catch on the other side I've replaced a good...
  2. J

    The Life and Times of my Pajero

    I realised this hasn't been updated in many months! I haven't really done much to her other than drive it. The front diff was changed to a 4.875 to match the rear,I changed all the diff fluids,and engine oils. There has been an engine oil leak from somewhere on the engine,that is serious...
  3. J

    Gen III & Popup - OME springs + lifted popup

    What way does the trailer sit when it isn't hitched to the monty? If say you just unhitched it and let go of it,would the trailer fall onto it's hitch or would it fall on it's rear? You need weight on the hitch part,otherwise it tries to lift up the rear of the truck,making it hella scary to tow...
  4. J

    Gen II Center console problem

    I've never seen one with the limiting strap intact TBH,everyone manages to break them somehow. I put a centre console from a gen 2.5 into mine,it is higher and can be used as an armrest ,with more room to hoard junk in
  5. J

    96 Montero LS CV Axles?

    TBH i'd get salvage ones from a scrap yard rather than get some spurious ones new,the genuine mitsubishi ones are fairly tough,so probably won't need replaced again unless they get abuse. The LHS ones are slightly different,they have a splined end that goes into the diff,the RHS has a plate...
  6. J

    Rebadged 2.5gen coming to China market

    They do an open-top version of it too,well their older model. You could get them new in india with the 2.8 until quite recently
  7. J

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    I'm not too sure really,since I swapped the rear axle that one wheel has been a pain to keep tight,I think the disk may be a bit warped,and it is taking pressure off the wheel nuts temporarily,causing the nuts to loosen a bit over time,I usually go around and tighten them a lot,but they were...
  8. J

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    Here is mine on Thursday,having heartlessly dumped the rear left wheel. It was a slight bang,and a dragging,then I see the wheel in the rear view mirror bouncing down the road towards me :Wow1: Was a bit of a ball ache to get it high enough to get the wheel back on,but a guy down the road...
  9. J

    Project "Full Restoration" 1983 Mitsubishi Turbo Diesel 4x4

    Is that not it in this pic behind the throttle cable,with a green bit on it? All the 4d56s i've seen have had one,but only the ones from japan had the EGR valve,being pretty much the same engine I'd have thought it would have one. Though the mani looks a bit different I thought the snow...
  10. J

    Project "Full Restoration" 1983 Mitsubishi Turbo Diesel 4x4

    I looked into it a while ago,something I put a small bit of thought into,and one day completely forgot about! I have my EGR valve blanked,so I was thinking the 5th injector can go onto the plate that blanks it. It means you can wind up the boost a bit too. Theres an over boost valve on the inlet...
  11. J

    Beach driving a 95 Monty SR?

    ^^ I built something very similar to what you're describing,used a bit of Qual-pex with holes in it bodged onto a hose fitting,worked really well until I reversed over it. I live about 5 minutes from the coast so I seem to end up on the beach more than I should. I drive into a river with it to...
  12. J

    Beach driving a 95 Monty SR?

    Just because you're 600m from the sea doesn't mean it won't come in over the space of say 20 minutes. Nothing to it really,I wouldn't lock the diff personally,it drags a wheel and makes a mound of sand and can get you stuck. Give it a good washing with fresh water as soon as you can too
  13. J

    a few questions regarding shorter front bump stops

    I broke a mitsubishi one,made absolute bits of the cage for the CV,fired grease and bits of metal everywhere! The milner one went a lot more compliantly,after one hit,it stated clicking,and after the second it was toast,i've 2 mitsubishi ones in mine now so i'm pretty confident about not...
  14. J

    upgrading reverse bulbs

    I'm not sure what the reverse lights are like on the U.S. models,but on the japanese one they are absolutely tiny,and suck big time! I don't really have anywhere to mount one on the back so I went for some tiny little things I got on ebay for like €3. I wasn't expecting much,but they are...
  15. J

    a few questions regarding shorter front bump stops

    I've taken out the droop stops on mine,made a nice difference,gives a small bit more down travel. I've bust 2 cvs on mine on 31's. One was a bit clicky since I bought my pajero. The second one I broke was a milner one,and it was junk. I had bought the whole shaft from them,and the boots failed...
  16. J

    my hunting and family outing rig

    I think you've just convinced me to paint my rims black from you pictures. That is a beautiful Montero you have there
  17. J

    1998 Montero Fender Flares

    The guys in Iceland do them,but you'd have to sell your soul to pay for them! Best pic I could find after a quick google
  18. J

    Gen 2 diesel swap on e-bay..

    I guess everyone on here has a sense of adventure and it is cool to read through all the work that people have put into their machines,but I still think that old diesel engines are second rate compared to petrol. But the grass is always greener on the other side,mine is diesel and i'd do...
  19. J

    Gen 2 diesel swap on e-bay..

    You can't really compare an old style mechanically injected engine to a direct injection with a VNT turbo,it's two completely different generations of technology,if people on here are going to be throwing a mitsubishi diesel into their car its going to be a mechanically injected one,otherwise it...
  20. J

    Gen 2 diesel swap on e-bay..

    The 4D56 is disgustingly underpowered in these things,and that is at sea level,might be fine in a mighty max because those are light,but in a paj/monty they suck pretty bad,though once up to speed they are ok for cruising. If you want to put a diesel in i'd go for the 4m40T,they've a nice bit...