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  1. J

    ANOTHER Guy With A Gen 2.5 Build - Sure, why Not? It's My First!

    That looks sweet with its makeover :drool: With the lift try either cutting down or removing the front droop stops,and with the front lokka you won't be spinning a front tyre crazy fast then landing it into the floor,which would toast CV joints! If you have wound the torsion bars up as far as...
  2. J

    5spd swap into Gen 2.5

    Be careful with the manual gearboxes,they are soft as cheese and sloppy as hell,so ideally you would want to actually drive it first giving it a good run through all the gears before you buy it. They tend to get that way from doing a lot of towing. You'll need th interior trim too,on the manual...
  3. J

    You tell me... how bad am I screwed?

    When it is on the way out a sign of the pinion is noise while driving,that gets louder when you're coasting. My front was doing it,there would be a sound like dragging a shovel along the ground after the fluid warmed up while coasting,and when it was bad it would shake a bit when you're slowing...
  4. J

    You tell me... how bad am I screwed?

    Does it make a heck of a racket while you're coasting? I.E. Slowing down without applying power? Mine was doing that,and all I did was keep tightening the pinion nut with a torque wrench until it went away,the bearings had worn a bit,and needed a bit more pressure applied to them,it was nearly...
  5. J

    Tried to Kill My Montero on the Snake Lake Trail at Gold Lake - Beautiful Place

    Sucks about the dent and the light,those lights are rare enough in the states too are they? At least it is only small damage in the grand scheme of things,it didn't stop you from carrying on driving for the rest of the trip. Thats probably due to them sagging a bit,what are they if you measure...
  6. J

    Gear Review: 1 year with the 40"'s Light Bar

    I live in a much less sunny climate,and my chinese bar is doing the same,to a lesser extent. Think i'll just mask off the lens and fire some VHT paint onto it. Sort of poor of the company for not standing over their product and just giving you them lights,probably knowing you'll get stung for...
  7. J

    we better watch out, this one has a v8 and a turbo!

    It's probably got a turbo thrown in the passenger footwell,thats how my V6 has a turbo :p
  8. J

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    Not an action shot,but I liked how it looked in the light,and it was washed not long before it :D Modified it with a few fairly deep scratches a couple of hours after this picture was taken,I had to go out and enjoy the 1 day of summer we get here :p
  9. J

    Telescoping/rear light

    I like that idea,I might put it on my long list of things I would like to do. I'd never have thought about using one of them rods for a paint roller though,I was thinking of using a hiking Pole though,but those painting rods have very good rigidity,so I'm guessing you could use it extended while...
  10. J

    Gen III jingle jangle

    Check all the brake first,and listen to see does it go away when you are braking,or get louder. A slightly worse scenario would be the diff,jack up one wheel at the back with the truck in neutral,get under it and have someone turn the wheel in the air,and see does the noise come from the rear...
  11. J

    ARB bumper/winch vs ARB air locker rear diff on a gen III

    Yesterday I went into the forest near me,i've 35s and a rear locker,got her bellied out on a large rut. Had to dig out,if I had a winch i'd have pulled myself through it,and if I couldn't get there without the locker id have been able to winch there anyway I've no winch so I had to dig it out...
  12. J

    Gen 2 - Slow power windows

    I have a small spray can of rubber and nylon lubricant,and I spray it up the runners on the sides of the windows,and run the windows up and down a few times,and it seems to do the trick,takes about a minute to do. Try that before going at the regulators,I've only seen 1 regulator go,and every...
  13. J

    ARB bumper/winch vs ARB air locker rear diff on a gen III

    I'd go winch before lockers if you travel alone,I find with lockers you get yourself further in trouble than you do with the open diffs,hard stuff seems easier,so you end up tackling harder stuff with a bit too much confidence,and then you run out of luck eventually Winch will let you pull...
  14. J

    Eurosonic's Montero 2.5Gen Build Thread

    Best of luck with that,its not a hard job,but it's a time consuming one. What ratios you putting in? I looked at the 5.2s for you,but they are the very smallest gears you could get for them,so they wouldn't last too long.
  15. J

    look what we missing

    You can get one of them here secondhand with a 3.2 diesel for around 10,000 USD :victory: Unfortunately I've no money so I don't have one
  16. J

    Mk1 Montero Coil Springs uncompressed danger

    My Springs in my gen 2 SWB used to become unseated,they wouldn't fall all the way out,but they would sit on the edge of their seat,and work forwards. I ended up putting terrafirma relocation cones in the back,they actually bolted straight in,think they are meant for a defender,which could make...
  17. J

    The Life and Times of my Pajero

    I think I'll go for a colour like that,my offroad rims are getting fairly beat. Over the weekend just gone we went for a camping/challenge weekend,5 minutes into the first day the temp in my pajero started rising,and a smell of coolant,heater hose had split. Parked it up for the first day and...
  18. J

    Switching from adjustable to gas shocks. Fun question about dangling adjusters:

    Mine had them wee caps from the canisters off a gas stove tied over the top,but they gradually disappeared,I'd guess that your idea is as good as it will get really
  19. J

    Gen 3 plate style bumpers

    Are you getting them from one of the Chinese suppliers like tenda? I asked them about bringing in some bits a while ago,one said a minimum order of 5,but another one my buddy contacted about a bumper said he could get one if he wanted. Post up if you go though with this,i'm interested to see...
  20. J

    Look what's for sale next to my office...

    The one I saw was called "World's toughest drive" . It was an alright show,but there was a small bit too much drama thrown in to make it more interesting for the TV. I remember not being able to stand one of them at all,he kept talking down to the rest of the team