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  1. PPCLI_Jim


    Got a motor for it with a blown coil possibly.. BUT first I need a electric start for it. its 44 ci or roughly 750 cc its a little much to be flailing away on the pull cord . I love the classics but I also like not throwing my back or shoulder out . starter 100 is cdn and a coil 40 $ cdn ish...
  2. PPCLI_Jim

    31" Tires

    Go Troopers!!!!!
  3. PPCLI_Jim


    I get the joke too bad the statement is true :0
  4. PPCLI_Jim


    got the throttle installed and hooked up to a early 70's 7.5 hp Mercury . I'm looking for a cheap 40 HP Outboard. got my out put figured out for the plug ins and charge station. from here I can plug my solar panels in and charge the battery But its in the water runs floats moves .. I...
  5. PPCLI_Jim


    So a few weeks ago I decided I wanted a small trailer so i can think about a small teardrop style camper for myself. well I got one only problem is it came with a boat on it , but it was only 400$ CDN for the combo. after a few days of waiting to decide on what to do with it i decided to save...
  6. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    Still waiting for parts so I get another habit Well im waiting on parts so I can get the carb conversion kit in. So i had picked up a trailer for 400 $ and it came with a boat, right? Well i took the boat out and floated it today , well I actually motored around in it a bit. Its about 95 %...
  7. PPCLI_Jim

    72 Bug, Baja for the road heres my boat that i got along with a great trailer or 400 $ so far another 200 $ max into it !!
  8. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    That one is a Ruger 10/22 with a 6-24 power scope on it and ATI stock with adjustable butt. I normally use a 3x9 and leave it on 3 power . i like it because i put one through the noggin and they dont go to far after that but some give it a good try. Up here in Canada the government has decided...
  9. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper Well I have been busy while waiting for my block off plates to arrive so to keep myself busy i have been working on a 1962 POWER CAT 14T tri hull. I bought it as...
  10. PPCLI_Jim

    1990 Trooper Makeover

    I want that round eye grill i will use the dark side of the force to pay you in buttons for it if ya want to sell it to recoup some coins. looks like a nice build. good luck:ylsmoke: the 1.9 is a slow motor btw. heres one of my many custom cam paint jobs. i plan on a WWI navy splinter cam...
  11. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper Well I had some minor issues trying to see my doc today did get it fixed though.
  12. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    Well I got busy for me and did some things today. I stripped down the 2.3 intake in rep for me to mount the Weber 32/36 from Redline. Ill be contacting fox for block off plates and had a look at the dist I have new rotor cap wires for this and in other news i found a pair of googley eyes
  13. PPCLI_Jim

    PPCLI_JIM's Other Isuzu thread

    Well POOP !!!! looks like either my head gasket or the water pump has pooped the bed. Just as I was about to start the conversion the trooper to CARB. So well thats on hold for a bit until i get the ROWDAYO fixed at least . I need transport and gaskets are a bit of a wait along with all the...
  14. PPCLI_Jim

    ZULANDR - 1994 Isuzu Trooper - Louisiana

    Welcome to the portal! I'm on the planet also same name. I've got 2 zu's a 97 ROWDAYO and my 88 Trooper II Christine.
  15. PPCLI_Jim

    any honda owners in these parts that take their rigs offroad?

    heres me picking up my Vespa and the 97 ROWDAYO out in the snow
  16. PPCLI_Jim

    any honda owners in these parts that take their rigs offroad?

    Like him who has posted above me (Panhandler) I own a trooper but I also own a Isuzu Rodeo AKA Honda Passport
  17. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    well Its still alive I have a carb setup coming to me after waiting 3 months for the guy to get it off his wreck and get it to me ! Whoops now to order a weber 32/36 setup!:Wow1:
  18. PPCLI_Jim

    1991 Isuzu Trooper LS - 2.8L Auto - It begins....

    I know that feeling Ive waited 3 months to pull the trigger on the EFI to Carb swap. finally have it all coming my way.
  19. PPCLI_Jim

    New to me straight from store !

    Alpha Arms 15SA Keltec SU16 Tac jeez I got a bad habit Isuzus and the outdoors
  20. PPCLI_Jim

    UTV Overlanding?

    I was coming up behind ya:ylsmoke: